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Posts posted by Niklaus

  1. Hi everyone, I'd like to formally invite you all to apply for the very prestigious, very reserved Niklaus Cult. Currently Niklaus Cult is almost full, but we are accepting a few more highly skilled inductees to potentially become full time members. Please read the following requirements and fill out your application according to the format posted below.


    Member of APD, AFD, moderation team, and unemployed IRL. 

    Able to grind heroin runs for 8 hours a day, and RDM in Kavala for 4.

    Would gladly sell kidneys for in game money.

     Be able to hate on Niklaus Cult in side chat. 

    Over 400 lbs, and salty as fuck.

    Able to crouch peak like a god




    Player ID:

    Weight and daily sweat output:

    Average FPS:

    Screenshot of all 25 talent points:

    Age and relationship status (No relationships we are married to Asylum):

    Hate for PMC (1-10):


    Put your applications in comments, looking forward to seeing your responses


  2. Right so I think that the RDM stuff gets taken a little lightly. People bitching in side chat about "50k cOmP oR bAn" is kinda annoying after a while. I think that a basic system for demanding compensation would be in order. I'm gonna write the idea I had for solving this.

    If you believe you were RDMed, you have a right to text, or use sidechat to request contact with the RDMer. At which point you can demand a static payment of 7k to cover the medic expenses, and a little extra for time wasted. If no medics are available and you requested one right away, the RDMer is liable to cover the total cost of all your equipment plus 5k for the time It'll take you to repurchase your shit. This system I think would solve a lot of the RDM disputes, as there would be a way for instant and fair compensation. If they do not compensate, and only if you have made a fair effort to contact them, you can submit a ban report, at which point the admin will decide if it really is RDM and the rest of the already established RDM rules apply.

    Anyways I think this is a good system for the game, and could help out a lot of people. 

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