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Everything posted by KBW

  1. I was able to confirm that the out-of-stock weapon prices are too high due to an unforeseen bug, and will be promptly fixed in the next patch (believed to be Monday). As for logging in 'dead', I personally never experienced this bug, but I cannot comment on it either way as I only have access to client-side code at the moment.
  2. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    I think we might see something that will help in that regard with the new talent configuration that bamf is creating.
  3. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    Persistancy. When I played I always made it a point to never use every bullet in the magazine, so I would have infinite ammo. Not anymore.
  4. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    A method for choosing a tag can be sorted for the next build, limited to characters actually within your gang name.
  5. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    It worked well enough in testing, although it does use a wonky method of creating an AI and cycling him through all of the seats to pop players out, for lack of a better method...
  6. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    You only need that talent if you are a civilian, medics and cops are able to pull out unconscious by default. Not sure if that's what you meant, or if you were trying to say that the pullout unconscious action wasn't working?
  7. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    Took me a good minute, but I found the cause of the issue, thanks for mentioning it.
  8. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    This note was related to picking up illegal items on the ground.
  9. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    I will add this option with the next patch, along with (hopefully) my fixes/rewrites to the SWAT system.
  10. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    There is a provision in the code such that sync requests sent from air vehicles result in the player's position saving at ground level. Solves issues of spawning in the floor of buildings, inside rocks, piers. There is now a warning message for people logging in at rebel.
  11. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    I'll be taking a look at SWAT in the coming days, possibly rewriting it if need be. Wasn't aware of this, definitely will be addressed if this is in fact an issue.
  12. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    The 25% increase in price for out of stock items was the intended functionality from Paratus, however this was non-functioning due to a bug.
  13. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    Interesting issue, I'll introduce a fix for this in the next patch, regardless of it being a rare situation.
  14. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    For gang names with more than one word, it uses the first letter of every word (words are identified where a space exists between characters in this case). For one-word gang names, the first and last letter of the word are used. Example - Anthrakia Mafia will show as [AM], while Scrubz will show as [Sz] This is only the first implementation and is subject to change based on feedback.
  15. KBW

    Change log 6.8.6

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I was very pleased with the progress that was able to be made on bugs this week. I believe the new gang tags, which now display overhead as well as in death messages, will help identify who you're in RP with easier. We have additional plans in the future which will further this objective.
  16. Expect administration to be addressing this with a fix relatively soon.
  17. The despawn time is 10 minutes from last activity with the vehicle, such as exiting it or opening the trunk.
  18. KBW

    Change log 6.8.5

    Check pm when possible
  19. I wrote up some code to entertain this concept: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/447356124349953095/E81DE5091A4F991B2FA8951CF25C5153A775FC09/ In a test environment I spawned a couple of NPCs and stuck them in a car. The modified nametag script takes their gang name, and uses the first letter of every word to create a tag. If the gang name was only one word, it used the first and last letter of that word. In the screenshot case, the gang name of the first guy is "Dank Memes", while the gang name of the second guy was simply "Memez". Additionally implementing the same concept in death messages, I believe this would allow players to tell who is really in the gang of who.
  20. I posted a potential fix for this in the bug report section >.>
  21. In the short video below, I explain how to set up a custom difficulty preset on a dedicated server. Custom difficulty is useful as it allows for third person in a veteran-style difficulty, without showing friendly map markers (i.e. cops on map for civilians) etc.
  22. This been fixed yet? If not I'll post a guide on how you're meant to change it.
  23. Arma VON is peer to peer, no additional stress on the server. Hence why you can hear direct chat even when the server has crashed and everyone is standing in place.
  24. KBW


    Hmm, this got me thinking. I remember an arma 2 dayz taviana server that pseudo-fixed combat logging by having your player object stay in the server for a full minute after you disconnected. If you killed the person's player object, they would die and come back as a fresh spawn when they logged back in. A bit of an odd solution but perhaps could be viable against people who disconnect in zipties?
  25. Let me fix your bugs, @Paratus, the players will thank you!
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