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Jaylen Sarrett

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Jaylen Sarrett

  1. your profile pic looks like @Hubschrauber in 7daystodie
  2. Come to p3 with your pranks bro, we aint scurred
  3. what kind of english is this............... dawg.... learn the language
  4. i have an fx6300, gtx 660, 8 gigs ram, and its running on an SD and i can run the game medium to medium low settings at 1080p while recording and get 30fps... upgrade graphics card, more memory, better cpu.... and no im not donating to yo broke ass welfare ass mufucka
  5. And the justification is always the bad apples! OH NO TEH BAD APPLES WILL POISON OUR WELL!! Throw away the bad apples....Problem solved. but maybe the admins aren't necessarily to blame for this, perhaps it's the inaction of captains to address this issue, in that sense, i understand the need for them to make changes.. but why not change the fucking captains? the policies?
  6. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.... Never did i beg for all cops to have 7.62's.... I simply pointed the ridicioulus advantage of firepower rebels have to cops... now provide evidence for your retarded claim. i've always said, yes, corporals+ should have equal fire power.... And people shouldn't just rise through the ranks for doing nothing but making their time.... Corporal should be an earned rank, just as the rest of the higher ranks are.... SGT+ is mostly an earned rank, corporal is given away like candy... And for that reason, it's not respected, just as sergeant is becoming...
  7. I love salty people who play nothing but rebel complain about being lethaled.... I hear it from cops when i'm playing civ, "OH THEY WENT LETHALS WAY TO FAST" when we outnumber them, or even if we don't outnumber them, and i'm sitting here thinking, bro, they got 6.5's, we have 7.62's..... and you want them, to not only out shoot us all, but expect to get us all restrained? Lol, why don't you just make it impossible for cops to catch us ever, these same people would be happy with this... They won't admit it, but they would be.... If they're abusing it for money, fine, punish them..... It's not like it's out of your power to do so.... But no, asylum chooses to punish everybody. And then say, fuck you, leave if you don't like it.
  8. I basically already have... Lol. But it's nice to see administrators supporting the decision.... Pathetic cum stain. ^ - read
  9. what? a cop in a public server who could be literally anybody, did something bad??? Oh my gosh... Punish the cop, not the cops..... Fuckin hell, without cops this server would be nothing.... Why don't you cut down the tree because of a few bad apples.... as i said.... derp
  10. it does get pretty hot, is there anything i can do to prevent this?
  11. another nerf to cops.... because they needed it so bad.... derp
  12. & others have said they've fixed it, but their fixes haven't worked for me...
  13. my signal is strong... that's not the issue.... as i stated above.... The issues is the drivers themselves... Or atleast, that's my theory.... i guess it could be my PC... but looking at netgears forums in regards to this issue, that seems not to be the case
  14. i've seen these, i always thought they were more of a scam or placebo effect than actually doing something... but i may give this a try out... but they're expensive as fuck, for most of them, i might as well buy a whole new adapter.
  15. yes, sorry, my skills in solving problems is usually 9/11, my skills in explaining them is usually much worse. xD
  16. loved it, until it got to ingame talking..... GOOD GOD... TFR....... @Paratus......TFR..........PLEASE..... it's so fucking bad... otherwise, good video, great editing....
  17. that's not the issues at all, i don't have a problem of disconnecting from wifi, or low signal, the drivers themselves are disconnecting completely....
  18. Here is my very first CSGO montage, i've been seldomly the past few weeks.. And i gotta say, it's been a long time since 1.6..... But that muscle memory is coming back, my shots are starting to come together again, and here is a few of them. not the best i've ever been but i'll take it...(i wish i still had all my matches from league matches from back in the day, i could make an hour long video of some supreme footage) @64BiT made me want to upload this, blame him if its shit
  19. if anybody has has a solution to my problem, please give me some insight.... Basically, the driver disconnects completely randomly it seems, whenever i'm using the internet...(whenever i don't use it, it seems to be perfectly fine of course, driver always runs and is connected) I have installed all the updates for it, it's in a USB 2.0 and the drivers are all installed correctly... But it still disconnects constantly while just doing anything online... Usually whenever i try to watch HD movies/videos or upload things.... This has been plaguing me for so long, and i've spent hours googling and trying out different things that fixed others problems.... So far, no luck.... There are still tons of people having this issue and netgear has yet to resolve, therefor, i've literally made 20 sock google accounts and gave them a shitty review on all of them.... If you have a solution to this, or ideas (short of buying a whole new usb wifi adapter), please help me out.... And no, i can't connect directly to the router, it's downstairs, i'm upstairs.
  20. people talk crap CS alot, because it's sort of old in it's play style and map setup (and graphics because obviously it is).. But the game is actually pretty difficult to learn and play well competitively (and i don't mean CSGO public competitive matches, i mean in actual leagues against real teams who have real strats) that's really where the game is in its best.... When teams come together to pull amazing things. Really one of the best things i learned early in my cs years was, learning to think like you're the opponent.... What spot should i play? how should i play it? aggressive? passive? what would i do on the opposing team if i saw myself in this position, and then do the opposite... In other words, THINK... And if you watch pro matches, and what not, you'll see what i'm talking about.... EDIT: But honestly, making just good calls and having good "tac comms" (not what it's called in CS i believe the proper term is STFU NUB), you'd be more effective than 75% of CS players ... keep that in mind as well one of my pet peeves is people telling me there is a person about to come through double doors (when they're dead) or whatever through teamspeak, whenever i can clearly hear their footsteps.... it does nothing but distract me.... Just seriously, shut the fuck up...
  21. i don't play cs go really, so, like first something something.... (you're probably higher rank than me if you play alot) but i played cs 1.6 for literally, 10 years...
  22. sorry if i sounded cr1t1cal (GET IT? DAS MUH NAME)... played cs for like, 12 years.... i will say it was damn good video production.... just a bit boring to watch. Keep playin tho, watch pro matches and see how they play, watch their strats.... and note that in cs, Smarts > Shots...ANYDAY.
  23. intro is misleading.... you bastard... i watched that whole thing hoping to see some amazing shooooooosting... it was all pretty average.... the first clip you show is you shooting a guy in the back.... if you can't do that.... just stop CS...
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