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Everything posted by Spank

  1. @Midamaru, no sure why this got moved previously. However, it's back. Good luck to you and thanks for being a member of our community.
  2. I assume you are talking about illegal weapons. Tbh, if they are getting pulled over and have no intrest in shooting it out. Then drop your weapon inside of the car inventory before getting out. Cops will have no probable cause for searching your vehicle. Also, if you happen to wreck and kill yourself then request a revive from the cop. Sorry you shouldn't have been driving recklessly. If you really crashed a car and cops see you had some drugs or weapons on you, you think they are going to be like, oh he's hurt, we'll just let him keep that? Risk vs reward, if you don't want to get caught with it, don't use it.
  3. I apparently need to make this easier to find
  4. Glad to hear it's fixed. One of the most common issues is the uneeded/double loaded mods.
  5. If you have not already, reference the guide I posted to make sure all of your mods are correct. Once all mods are enabled, you can join from in the game browser as usual.
  6. Spank


    @Phantah, I'm not entirely sure why Lion is telling you to wait as there should be no confusion. If you are indeed 16 years of age, you meet the age requirement to join the APD. If you meet the other requirements, please feel free to apply. See Captain Snatch's post below
  7. @KBW @Cooper Reference this link below to join the Aussie server
  8. Reference the above guide. It will tell you to ignore the CUP weapons 1.5
  9. You have downloaded unneeded mods separately, you are also missing other mods. Delete those mods and reference the guide Dextrix has linked to you.
  10. @motokokoto, yes, once you have the mods loaded you can join the server from the in game browser. Refer to the Guide here. There are examples of what your mods should look like.
  11. Hello Lucas, Please reference this topic. Cup weapons 1.5 is red, you can ignore it. Do not load any other mods then what I have listed in the topic.
  12. Actually @Goldberg Attorney at Law saved my ass yesterday against 3 rebels with Ak47s. He did some wanted shit curving bullets from the Glock 17. Your argument is invalid. If you knew how this worked, Bohemias Models are Binarized, you can not change the LODs of the PBO. Even if you circumvent and Unbin the model, you're not allowed to change their models as its a violation of their policy.
  13. @RainbowUnicorn, Yes, try re-downloading the Asylum Life mod. Others have told me theirs says "Loaded Recognized signature" and it works for them. However mine shows all "Loaded Subscribed and loaded". That is the only discrepancy i can think of that is preventing your ability to join.
  14. That is a mod issue, if you join TS ill help out
  15. Yes that is an issue that people are having, all the hype and speculation lead to people pre-downloading. However, that is causing issues because a lot of the mods were not signed correctly. They were then packaged into the "Asylum Life" mod. Doing it the way i posted in this guide should work for everyone.
  16. @Actaea I am unsure of why people are having trouble filtering for the sever as it works fine for me. We have designed this to use the Built in Arma 3 launcher to try and simplify joining the server by avoiding secondary launcher programs.
  17. @RainbowUnicorn Arma 3 custom buildings should not be loaded, also do not load Australia. That map has been included in Asylum Life download
  18. @RainbowUnicorn Try verifying the arma game cache. @Scott If you're seeing the red chain symbol with the 12 click it and make sure the dependencies are loaded.
  19. Hello Ralevin, I have corrected the issue for you if you refer to the topic you made in Donation Support.
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