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Bob Jill.

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Everything posted by Bob Jill.

  1. Denied.. This goes for anyone applying check the requirements....
  2. Dirty cheater. This is why i hate you jonah boner.
  3. I play with my FOV on 90 loved it ever since i changed
  4. https://gyazo.com/ce02376dc900958d3b10919383e93766 Sorry to embarrass you 1 bullet is all i need
  5. Gotta say My boy Harley and sugartits are AMAZING pilots.
  6. Enjoy Feedback would be appreciated.
  7. i dont have a problem collecting it either takes me like 5 mins to fill up my backpack and sports hatch you just have to find good spots
  8. Sofia life. https://gyazo.com/7584a446d36c74af7831f70dd246673e
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