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Wang Liqin

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  1. crikey pikey, who would have thought 7 years ago driving the 16 wheeler on the dusty sofia roads to pick up another load of logs the woodcutter would be a sr admin i more expected the tag "perm banned"
  2. Jesus Obiwan hated the naenvy reign but atleast they didn't make a forum post complaining after every gangfort ☠️
  3. Its gyazo, it saves everything I capture... I can just remember things and dates unlike ur methed out 🐟🧠
  4. The current asylum server is already a risk free practice cartel/wasteland... wym
  5. Ifrit Mitch POV watching asylum slowly die for years and years to come turn off the server or balls up and do something 🏀🏐
  6. the 3 most common comments I hear during game-play: 1. APD is Ruining the Server 2. Admin is Ruining the Server 3. Dark Horse in Ruining the Server who is complaining about any of these things and especially whos complaining about any of these things in relation to a wipe, even everything in your video has nothing todo with why the server needs a wipe 😂
  7. never, this server is doomed to play on a 9 year old database until it turns itself off 💯
  8. Its the same thing without your money because you did the same thing without your money, the server was actually in a much different and healthier state than previously you just skipped that part tommy
  9. Playing against cheaters or playing against players who die 10 seconds after you shoot them. tough choice
  10. Leroy has been roleplaying on the forums that he wanted a wipe to hide his tears 🤧 The other peoples names ive never seen before so who knows 🤷‍♀️
  11. Multiquote because not enough time to call you all boring & stupid individuality Imagine thinking people crying for a wipe because people are jealous of how much money you have on ARMA3 Asylum.. people been asking for a wipe since 2018 maybe longer, if they had listened maybe they could have kept the playerbase. I doubt many people here crying to not wipe even played 2018
  12. Well sadly what you describe isn't what Asylum Altis Life is all about 🤷‍♀️ At this rate Envy would be sitting back comfortable with all our money back after a couple weeks. IMO it needs to wipe AND be harder to make money 😂 Any experienced player or group should have no issue
  13. Did you ever actually make money on the asylum? have you ever did a big meth run with cops opposing you? If you wanna just fight people go wasteland or koth lil bro
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