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Everything posted by TONI_King

  1. 帮派活动 甲基苯丙胺的制造和加工 帮派职业 抢劫 领导 !!!-^^-噩梦-^^-!!! 必须活跃 卡特尔知识 在Arma 3上1500多个小时的 财务状况稳定 好通信 应用程序格式 在游戏名称中: Arma 3上的小时数(需要截图): 以前的帮派 担保 Hello, everyone. I'm a nightmare and a Chinese player. My English is not good. Sorry to read it patiently I like this server very much, so I cherish it 1. The reason why we want to fight against the Dragon Gang is that there are no rules for its members 2. I broadcast live on China's social platform to publicize the server, leading Chinese players into the server to create more fun and interesting things, and the members of the Dragon gang will watch me live and shoot me. This kind of behavior is disgusting 3. Because during the live broadcast, the Dragon gang saw that my house was also bombed and damaged I hope to have friends to fight with me. Although they don't know the language, I have information to fight with them
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