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Everything posted by Storm7

  1. Accepted meet us in kavala for an interview
  2. Its not even that bad its just diffrent i kinda like it
  3. it does but its even more sensitive to move
  4. they had a update for helis now they are more sensitive to turn dumbass
  5. https://gyazo.com/74a3c36219221f7ddcf34fb50ff0dfbb
  6. https://gyazo.com/d33a1e45519823688db66d251a1006c8
  7. Storm7


    alt f4 fixes this bud
  8. maby cause your a latin rat
  9. Denied not enough asylum time you may reapply when you meet the requirements
  10. The forums reset a few months back and I made a new account
  11. Lol I never asked how to sell lockpicks ive played here 2 years im not retarded
  12. Why are you calling people lowtier when you are lowtier yourself?
  13. https://gyazo.com/2a4bf69b5545eb710a3a6a13dab0aed7
  14. I turned you in and no i dont have to let you talk to a cop
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