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Vulpes Inculta

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Posts posted by Vulpes Inculta

  1. 37 minutes ago, Henry Facesmasher said:

    You missed the point completely. But I understand.

    As long as your friends make good money that's all that matters.

    This is about the betterment and liberation of fungi, which has grown tired of oppression. This movement is supported by the international association of freedom & liberation of fungi (IAFLF).

  2. 2 minutes ago, Patato said:

    Why not just reduce the cost?

    It would work to reduce the cost of the crate to an extent, but in my opinion, I think making pills be processable at purification would bring a lot more value as a whole. Since it not only brings more risk to purification with the increased traffic, it give the guys who wanna risk it a chance to make money faster than waiting for their lead crates to process. I think this alone would bring a tremendous amount of attention to LSD and give players a chance to make money early on. Seeing as how this change wouldn't be changing the actual sale price at all, since it would just increase the speed in which you can possibly attain your sheets, there shouldn't be a tremendous boost in income that would lead to a imbalance in drugs, since it's just giving players a opportunity to get their investment faster vs an actual increase in the value of the product, this resulting in the same amount of money introduced into the economy at just a slightly increased rate, which may also be counter balanced by the introduced risk of losing your product due to increased traffic at these drug areas and the risk of purification. As far as crates even just a boost to say 35 -40 sheets per restart with a relative increase in lead crate price would make the grind more appealing in order to obtain a lead crate and also add value back to doing LSD. It could be said that people still do LSD in its current state yes, but in it's current state it's very few and far in between compared to it's pre-nurf glory.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Patato said:

    They are minimizing risks by doing things efficiently with a mechanic i didn't expect to be that important. Who says i don't have a change on the way to address it?

    And your point is terrible. So you quit the server and went inactive because you had made too much money and the server became boring?

    Zero point in LSD yet people still do it.? ok i guess

    So what do you think would be wrong with the optimizations I recommended above? I would be fully willing to help figure out any adjustments to make it work if needed.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Patato said:

    I have to say this thread is an interesting read, Three months ago we had suggestions saying to nerf the very things you guys are all talking about. And from what i can tell from the logs they were correct.

    My argument would be that it is decent. Objectively its better than heroin. You also have the option of ageing it at basically no risk for a bit more cash. (The house upgrade is a bit expensive).

    But LSD was printing money to the point where players were shooting up millions of dollars by just no life LSD from midnight to 6am.

    Income across the board has been decreased from mining to Meth. Our economy was quickly ballooning due to quets/domination/LSD/Double processed drugs/house weed. The effects can be seen from the housing market and the explosive prices (Sui/phone ect) that were set before i came back, Continue the way we were going and the only option was either wipe the server or add a 0 on to everything you could buy. Asylum by and large still has way better methods of making money than what was ever available 3-4 years ago. And the rate at cash in the economy has accelerated supports that.

    Also@DefragmentsPurification isn't trash, just a flat out false statement. Guys have found very efficient ways to make blue Meth for very little risk. I don't want to give up their secrets but i can tell you its not like they just wait until 2am to their runs. infact from what ive seen mathematically its the most efficent possible money making on asylum. 

    I will admit most are established players with a 3-4 houses to their name but they are quickly shooting up the money list. 

    And this isnt all to say the numbers are perfect. Its constantly monitored and adjusted as needed. But change is not an instant thing, players take time to adjust so its not like i change somthing and all of a sudden everyone is doing it. Any of the top richest are easily the most adaptable players who take full advantage of any change made to make their time as efficent as possible (Except for leroy who just brute forces it by not spending a penny on anything)

    I think the changes to balance the server are great in their own ways... I just think the entry fee is too high for newer players. If ran as pills its virtually worthless without a lead container and a lead container is a big investment for newer players to get started. Couple that with the fact the they are only turning 25 per restart now = longer time on return for said player to make money back on this investment. At the current rate of investment it would take 350,000/1200 = 291 sheets which would be 11.6 restarts to achieve. 11.6 restarts at 240 mins is 46.4 hours passed if logging in each restart, thus taking over 2 days realistically to achieve ROI on this. I think in order to make LSD a more realistic drug worth running again 2 changes could be made that would not inflate the economy of the server drastically. 1. Make LSD pills processable at purification:  this would give a alternate use for pills without a lead crate with an added risk vs waiting the lead crate out or for new players to get a foot into LSD pre lead crate. 2. Also increase the amount of sheets produced to 50 again and increase the cost of the crate to 500k for balance on investment if players want a safer method of production.

    Defragments likes this
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