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Posts posted by xeL

  1. 15 minutes ago, FilipinoBusinessman said:

    you know him huhuh


    No I just understand that an Arma 3 server does not hand out global bans that also add a game ban on steam accounts... except Wokka CQC of course.


    Wokka CQC, now featuring Arma 3 Global Bans. Wokka CQC on top.

    Lucien likes this
  2. 1 hour ago, Repto said:

    True. People did complain that SRT wasn't binded by any APD policy in S2, now that it is they what it unwhitelisted. There wouldn't be able to be any policy for it at that point and things will go back to the previous problems.

    The visible ranks on SRT are accurate to the S1 server and it's almost as if it's the exact same as S1 now that there are actual policy for it (obviously excluding the soleley PVP part of it all). I honestly see no reason why people are still so bothered by the existence of SRT and it being in the S2 server. Why would you give a fuck if people who prefer cop want to come to a PvP environment who dont normally play civ enough on S1 to be established in any of the major gangs, or those who dont want to deal with gangs in general. Some people just dont enjoy civ life on asylum because these days its practically PVP 24/7 for civ's whether you're on S1 or S2...

    SRT has no cost for loadouts/vehicled yet have to pay garage fee's, respawn fee's, make significantly less unless we actually coordinate and have access to very limited and honestly very shit guns unless the Officer actually puts in some work into SRT. Make 20k per uncap but if we die 4 times in the process of uncapping a point then we dont make a thing, getting kills isn't really an achievable thing for SRT either. The purpose of SRT is to have an opposing 3rd party to extend the gameplay in S2.

    I honestly see no logical sense or reason for why people complain so much about a whitelisted faction in an only occasionally open server that serves a purpose and already has access to minimal equipment, everyone enjoys combat.  Just seems like S2 mains and civ's just want something to complain about these days rather than putting out any justifiable reasoning for their wants. You guys wanted policy, policy was made and now you want more, typical get an inch take a mile mentality. Nothing is wrong with SRT so leave it alone. 

    There couldn't be policy for it if random civ's will be mainly filling the slots.

    I wouldn't be apposed to changing things up though, maybe having SRT restricted to swat and higher up's. Would give more benefit to people actually wanting to attain swat, it would also bind the 2 servers more together.

    Responded in DMs

  3. 11 hours ago, zdeat said:

    The requirements to be able to join or keep your rank in the APD is very minimal and very easy to maintain. 

    I guarantee you, if they were to increase the amount of players that could play SRT at one time, you guys will complain and it will either go back to its current amount of ten players or even lower possibly. 

    Cant be a separate faction because there are now policies that have to be followed for SRT. Unless something is done where you have to join SWAT in order to play SRT [ Which would then take us back to your point of opening SRT to anyone. ] I dont see anything being changed for SRT.

    Point 1) "The requirements to be able to join or keep your rank in the APD is very minimal and very easy to maintain. "

    - Why do I have to join the APD on s1 to join a faction that is solely based on s2 and does not have any impact or crossover or connection from s1.

    Point 2) "I guarantee you, if they were to increase the amount of players that could play SRT at one time, you guys will complain and it will either go back to its current amount of ten players or even lower possibly. "

    - No one is talking about increasing player slots, the 10 slots do not get filled ever.  We are simply talking about allowing more players to join the faction to hopefully fill these 10 slots more often than not.

    Point 3) "Cant be a separate faction because there are now policies that have to be followed for SRT"

    - Why not, it can still have policies and a ranking structure even if it's a separate faction

    Point 4) "Unless something is done where you have to join SWAT in order to play SRT"

    - No, because SRT (the s2 side of things), has nothing to do with s1.

    Lucien and /|/|0T4RD like this
  4. 1 hour ago, Lucien said:

    Good suggestion lex! We should make sure certain toy enthusiasts aren't allowed in though....

    I think to combat this we make you head of SRT.  I believe you will have the most up to date tools needed to keep this from happening.

    Lucien likes this
  5. 1 minute ago, Junker said:

    So like conquest SWAT. 

    Yes.  It's a faction only relating to s2, so it should only relate to s2 and not have ANY requirements relating to s1.

  6. 1 minute ago, Junker said:

    Or just make it its own whitelisted faction separate from APD. You just had a post complaining for rules pertaining to SRT. If you make it non-whitelisted your frits will be shedded again.

    I never said it should be non-whitelisted.  What you said is what I want it to be.  Whitelisted but make it so s2 players can apply.  Not only s1 cops.  I'll make that more clear in the post.

    /|/|0T4RD likes this
  7. I'm gonna keep this rather short and sweet. 

     I believe the requirement of having to be in the APD on s1 to join SRT on s2 should be removed.  (Still keep it a whitelisted faction, but make it a separate whitelist from the s1 APD to allow civs to join it)

    - Increase amount of players that have the ability to join SRT

    - Allows this faction to be separate from s1 as it should be due to it being an s2 only faction with no impacts from s1 whatsoever

    - More people in the faction = good! (Fun to fight, delays dom win, etc)

    "...pointless to have it correlate with APD if your S1 rank doesn't correlate with it in any shape or form." - 10/10 explanation thx Junker

    Junke and Lucien like this
  8. 31 minutes ago, Repto said:

    Maybe it will even give the idea to other players, like civ gangs that know they dont do good at dom and decide they wanna troll too.

    I completely understand where you are coming from, but SRT has a different garage from s1 to s2.  If they lose a vehicle on s2 (which are cheaper than civ vehicles), it has no affect onto their s1 garage.  Civilian vehicles transfer from s1 to s2, civilians are being punished by a faction with MULTIPLE safe guards regarding money being lost.  They have cheaper kits that are paid per death no matter what gear it's the same price every time so if they die attempting to do this it's not that big of a deal and their vehicles are cheaper and s2 locked.

    The idea that a faction with multiple safeguards are going onto an EVENT server and directly attempting to cause players frustration and make them lose out on money by shedding their frits while they are safeguarded multiple ways is not good for the server, or fair (Especially when they are not even participating in the event at that point, they are just there to cause annoyances to other players and make them spend more money).

    Domination is very fun, it was dead for a while and only used by s1 players to farm money as no one was on, but it's picked up in players a lot and I do not understand why we are trying to kill the domination server again to make it so the 5-10 players that will still play just to farm money for s1 because of the base pot amount and no competition to go against.

  9. 1 minute ago, Invictus said:

    Even though everything you're saying makes sense you're asking way too much of this server

    Yes asking them to put a rule to stop shedding frits, or ask for cops to add an SOP to not shed frits is so much.  I gave 4 simple solutions, only two out of four which requires actual dev work, one being very minimal as they just change the cop prices on s2 to match civs.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Austin M said:

    Calm down. I can barely understand what you are typing.


    1. cops don’t really make money, only do if they are uncapping. If they’re shedding Frits they’re not making anything.

    2. Should be both server wide rule. I think shedding vehicles should be considered an exploit. 

    What I said makes perfect sense.  Wow, it's almost as if the objective of cops is to uncap flags, not go around and shedding frits?  They would make money if they did what their faction was supposed to do?

    2) I agree

    2 minutes ago, william said:

    <iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/XFpRtVRZhvOqoUYrZH" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/ChiefsESC-esports-chiefsesc-chiefs-XFpRtVRZhvOqoUYrZH">via GIPHY</a></p>

    embed fail also can't name 25 people proves my point you have a delusional viewpoint of the server

  11. 10 minutes ago, william said:

    me, @Djmon, and demi roze are single handedly reducing the economy. You're welcome @ObiWoki @Patato @Gen. Henry Arnold

    You're retarded because most of the players on s2 don't play s1 therefore the 300k profit 4 times a week for 2-3 hours of constant pvping and HAVING to win to ACTUALLY MAKE money affects no one as the same kits are being purchased on s3 over and over.  Congrats on looking like a head bent retard and no one liking you.  To prove my point even more name 25 out of the 50 players that play s2 that also play s1 not including cops who also make $ from dom (Maybe this point would be considered if 50% or more of s2 played s1, which would still only be 25 out of 100+ active players that play s1).

    lukee and /|/|0T4RD like this
  12. 20 minutes ago, Jr4life24 said:

    Oh no, the server that gangs use to print money is being hindered by 4 cops shedding ifrits

    50-75% that play s2 don't even play s1 so your point is invalid.  No one "abuses" the money earned, it is an economy that almost fully stays on s2.  S2 "printed" more money when it was dead because people would farm the base amount.  Those 10-20 people that played when the server was dead actually played s1 so it did hinder the s1 economy.  With 50-60 people on you actually don't farm as much money as in the past!  You're making 300k for 2 hours of your time (If you're not buying frits), and other people lose money already as is without buying frits, and people spend their blood money so the economy is circulated between those that play.  Please stop pushing this retarded agenda that people "print money" still and it kills s1 because most of the s2 pop now a days don't play on s1.  On top of this, there needs to be a reward for winning?  If there was no incentive to play and rewards for winning just shut down the server?  Like what?

    operatorjohnny^ and ih8LoL like this
  13. Make it against the rules to shed ifrits ON S2 DOMINATION - it's becoming a problem because cops are purposefully shedding vehicles on a server where you're MEANT to use them to fight but still do b/c they are hated at home and pay less for everything so no one will do it back to them!  Why is this a thing on an event server where you're meant to fight with armored vehicles? Cops currently do not log onto SRT to do their factions purpose on the event server, they are there to troll and make it harder on others trying to enjoy their time.

    Points for this:

    - Most of s2 pop doesn't play s1

    - There needs to be a reward for players participating in the event?  I do not understand why people are mad people are getting money in return for winning an event

    - Some players make money, some players lose money, blood money is spent and earned as well, this is how dom/conquest works on every server and it circulates the economy

    - Average players shouldn't be determining what is too much money, especially those who play a faction that pay less for stuff in game.  Leave it to devs to decide and change the economy on s2 if it's too much.

    - It's an event server where armored vehicles are supposed to be used

    - Cops aren't competing for points like civilians are.  Cops get paid per flag decapped, while civilians are paid based on their amount of points they earn, as well as cops pay a set amount per death no matter what gear they are using and civilians do not.  Why are civilians being punished and trolled by a faction that has benefits (Paid per decap, cheaper kits, cheaper vehicles as well as vehicles that do NOT transfer to s1 so if they blow up they are cheaper to repurchase)?

    - Cops also make money on this event server, while still paying less for gear so I do not understand why they are attempting to control the economy for civilians when they make money as well.  They have no SOPs regarding what gangs or flags they have to target, and are at free will to even cap smaller gangs flags to make money.  This is a flaw, and if cops are going to argue we are making money on this server and the argument is "Cops don't make $ while shedding frits", there is no reason for them to be on the server.  They have the opportunity to make money if they chose to do their factions intended purpose, instead they are purposefully avoiding what their factions purpose is in the event to make it worse gameplay for civilians

    - It's a rule to not grief and interfere with admin events or gang fort, why does this not apply as well as it's an event that gets 50-60 players for 2-3 hours multiple days a week (Admins do events to create fun for the community. If you deliberately attempt to ruin or get in the way expect action to be taken at the admins discretion. This falls under the "Don't be a dick" clause.)

    - Cop vehicles are cheaper on dom and do NOT transfer over to s1, civilian vehicles do.  Cops are abusing this function to go on s2 and destroy civilian vehicles that transfer over to s1 while not in danger of having anything connected on their side to s1.

    - These actions can push away and punish new players from domination as players who are new to s2 and come to try it out will have their vehicles from s1 shedded on an event server when it's meant to be an event where they can freely pvp and use armored vehicles

    - Shedding frits brings no positives to domination only negatives and the point of it is to have fun, not be trolled by a faction that has benefits.  If you want to shed frits on s1, go for it but to go on an event server where these vehicles are meant to be used by civilians and are connected to civilian s1 garages is really toxic and ruins the point of the event



    Solution 1) Make cops pay the same amount for frits and gear as us if this stays, they should not be able to spend less to make others spend more by shedding our frits.  We should be allowed to shed theirs and force them to pay the same amount if they can shed ours.

    Solution 2) Make it against the rules for everyone to shed frits

    Solution 3) Make blown up vehicles go back to the garage as this is an event server and armored vehicles are meant to be used

    Solution 4) Make new SOPs for cops to not shed frits, as civs do not do this as they are actually competing for the win and understand this frustrates people and makes their time worse and don't want to kill the s2 pop as it just started getting pop again.

    Solution 5) Have developers or willing players actually look at the numbers on what players earn and spend over a time period and have developers determine if it should be changed and how it should be changed going into the future

    Solution 6) Have a separate s2 garage for civilians

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