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Everything posted by Chewbacca

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDkjxx-gduc
  2. Non part of this Update, has Community suggestions...
  3. Don't shut down Tanoa, there's so much ideas out there, that people are starting to quit on because the ideas are being turned down. We need more power to the people. We are playing your server.
  4. This is just random i wanted to know. Go and cast your vote here
  5. This is just random i wanted to know. Go and cast your vote here
  6. In-Game Name: Snowcat Age: 16 Real world Timezone or Location: Chicago Central time. Estimated Asylum Time: 650+ Whitelisted on Asylum?: no Financially Stable?: very much Have you ever been banned? Why? no Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? yes Current and Past (asylum) Gangs? TFS,SH, If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? Not in. Why do you want to join our gang? Well iv been looking to play more Tanoa recently got bored of Altis. And iv decided shit why not have fun and join a gang in Tanoa. I will surly make some of you laugh sooner or later. Do you know any members of our gang? no
  7. There is a lot of constables who are inactive for at least more than 2 years.
  8. Why do you want to be Asylums next top Pilot?: I wan't to try the title and have fun with it. How many hours would you say you have flying on ArmA?: 300 hOURS Would you say you are the best in our community?: No What will you do with the money if you win?: Spend on rebel gear.
  9. In Game Name: Snowcat Age: 15 Are you a member of the APD (rank): N/A BANK MONEY- 800K Have you been banned on Asylum?: NO Any previous Gangs: PH, How many hours in Arma 3 (Screenshot on steam): https://gyazo.com/484c65fff111d002e378bf4b98a47ad8
  10. Me reacting. Please fix this is the 7th time is has happen to me in Doing drug runners. :)))))
  11. They call everything a terrorist attack.
  12. Don't be a money hunger joke
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