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Big fart

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Everything posted by Big fart

  1. Can William be removed too so he can finally start losing weight before his heart gives up? I'm super worried about him.
  2. It's my command order
  3. You don't have to initiate with a suicide vest
  4. Big fart

    V2 Or V3

    Not nice language I wonder how many career cops/wiener riders voted v3. Actually curious to see the list
  5. Oil up everybody. Thats my command order end of story yep
  6. Big fart

    V2 Or V3

    V2 never coming back. Breads statement is the most real reply here. Go get some bitches, some money and hit the gym. This server ain't gonna help you with that, dm me and max for our weight loss plan.
  7. Big fart

    V2 Or V3

    Probably because the players that stayed and gave the server a chance allowed it to die in record time.
  8. Big fart

    V2 Or V3

    Lost cause unfortunately.
  9. Big fart

    Suicide Jets

    Meh I would rather just take the ban. I will never forget the better Justin's cartel tower drops with his jets
  10. Allow rdm, vdm, combat logging, etc
  11. Add mine and @Acceptablerat restaurant in athira
  12. I hope you guys enjoy dom over on the east coast. Most people on the west coast that have actual jobs can't participate
  13. Homies stay on top. Thanks for entertaining us with your malding Asylum.
  14. Wah wah wah. No one cares about your suggestions
  15. Enough. Delete ur forums account.
  16. Delete this, and that's final
  17. Big fart

    Scotch Buff

    -1 I hate ebola
  18. Give us seats and car flip signs!!
  19. I also didn't read it but I have to disagree just because knight agrees
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