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Everything posted by M0T4RD

  1. ssssshhhhh they don't know dat playa don't be cock blockin bro
  2. I think we were originally discussing about things that weren't against APD policy. Don't know where this thread went recently but it is slowly becoming shit I can agree with that. I'd just say that we should all scroll up and copy and paste our own suggestions into that new little section the Captains made for suggestions.
  3. I thought I was the only person that was courteous haha I mean I atleast give off that vibe ahead of time so you know you're not getting anything reduced and I'm usually pretty lenient.
  4. Nvm I'm erasing this because I'm done here I've probably pissed off enough higher ups for an entire promotion cycle but those things needed to be addressed by someone somewhere some day a a few months ago but I'm done with the thread now
  5. Apparently I'm maxed out on likes again? Wtf? Someone help!
  6. I was just talking about those kind of Altis Life servers in another post:
  7. Any rebel outpost in particular???
  8. Na man it's just that I've seen so many higher ranking people in the APD say the same thing in the past when it really wasn't an honest and true response to the subject but it was a good response to make people feel reassured about their concerns. I don't think the problem is that people can't be professional enough and follow rules, it's the fact that we don't have enough real leaders and people who set a good example in game on the APD side of things. They all look good on paper though. As you stated, in the past if you had a tactical suggestion, no matter your rank, throw it out there and most of the time the higher ups may give a try or consider it and it used to be that way and sometimes it was beneficial and other times it hurt the APD tactically, but that isn't the case anymore. Now we have Sergeants who tell you "be quiet and listen to me and this is what we're going to do and I don't want any talking besides me." That's what they say now when you suggest something and then you end up in an orca with 10 cops and nobody on the ground attempting a hot drop on the barracks at the prison. To be honest though, I wouldn't mind that kind of treatment from a higher up who has the potential to lead us to victory, but if you don't know what the fuck you're doing tactically, don't take that oppurtunity from someone who would probably know more than you. Another problem is that even though most of the current higher ups are fully capable of following all the rules, I get the sense that some of them think they wouldn't be held accountable for bending/breaking rules that are clearly stated in the APD guidebook because some of them act like they're the most important thing in the server when they get in game until someone of a higher rank or an admin gets around and then they're all goody 2 shoes. EDIT: To add on the RP side, I don't know about anyone else but I've been playing cop for about a month and a half straight now and I don't even remember the last time I seen a Lieutenant RP with someone except for those old Lieutenants that you see every once and a while who got on cop because they felt like roleplaying today. I have seen plenty of Sergeants RP'ing though I can say that much.
  9. I love you Buckwalter you're chill as fuck nothing against you, but I feel like these responses to this subject have gotten old and they're played out. It's like watching a good movie over and over again until you think you've seen enough of it and it's time for something new. Don't take it to heart no pun intended
  10. Gotta hit that hotspot just right
  11. EDIT: Nvm my response was just salt over something little ignore this
  12. This was discussed thoroughly here bro.
  13. Im gonna need to say a few prayers and make some deals with Jesus to work some stuff out before I go that far haha jk
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