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New York

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Posts posted by New York

  1. My nephew got this question on his homework. He's in 6th grade.

    If a clown in a track suit is driving 68 km/h on a highway coated in ethanol and it is lit on fire 17 km from his current position of 42 km from the start of the highway, will he be able to light up his cigarette if he is getting off the highway in 39 km? 27 km? 14 km? Explain your answer in the form of a limerick.



  2. I levitate 150 km off the ground and have a UAV attached to my head, and a camera taped to my ass. I then have to use a UAV terminal to aim my ass cheeks to the called out coordinates and fire shit artillery the size of a football. I kill my enemies with E. Coli post-Mexican food.

  3. 7 hours ago, mightymax said:

    WTF I didn't do shit? what  are you talking about. Solicitation? I don't even know what that is? How could I have fucked up, I didn't even do anything, or know how to do anything like that.


    How is it structured when I just got perma banned for something like this?

    It's because you tried to fondle his balls, Derek. You tried to fondle his balls.

  4. Hypocrisy is a funny thing to see

    When it happens in a few minutes, about three.

    Just saying your real name

    Doesn't mean you hit maturity.

    Good luck trying to convince yourself

    You're on par with the party.


    Sponsored by butt cream, for hurt rectums.jesus.jpg


  5. Just started on Asylum #1: Altis Life server and have been here for about a week. Originally had the name covanen but changed it to New York in the Arma 3 config settings. Here's some Eminem to give a good first impression.

    eminem spaghetti.png

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