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Everything posted by Mason

  1. Denied. Good luck finding a gang
  2. So RIP money making the next 4-5 days? lol feelsbad time for rook loadouts!
  3. Can we just ban the exploiters so i can sell all the meth i'm sitting on? lol
  4. @Gnashes Market seems to be broken.
  5. I hate it when cops disarm me but dont revive me. Most cops use lethals when they get salty. For example, dying 1-3 times and coming back with lethals loaded, killing everyone then leaving us all to respawn. At a bank, being on second floor is now considered unreachable. I was at a rodo fight yesterday, 6 rebels 6 cops. We wiped them the first time, then they came back and lethaled us. Two of them were LT's as well. Its not a mechanic issue, its a salt issue. Edit: Maybe removing the pardon is a good thing, that ways cops have to revive you. As long as cops interact with the RP and dont "robocop" i'm good with it.
  6. @bamf @Gnashes When I pull the armed jeep out of my garage it has no ammo. Have to reload it every-time.
  7. @Gnashes The signs are off centered when you scroll wheel on them. You have to look either next to the sign, or below them for the menu to pop up. Is this a know issue?
  8. @bamf @Gnashes Is medical at rebel permanent? Please say yes
  9. @bamf I bought the new jeep. Stored it and pulled it back out, it ate all the ammo. Bought more LIM mags, how do I put them in??
  10. Denied. Good luck finding a gang!
  11. Denied. Good luck finding a gang!
  12. Lol better to have everything on the off chance he might use it lol.
  13. Also be careful where you order from, for example... Newegg price.... https://gyazo.com/6c219cbd70f377289cd2768607232c2c Amazon price... https://gyazo.com/88cc8bca6428826a4e9c34016469721a I have been using mine I got from amazon for 3 years now. 0 issues. If you can save a few bucks do it!!
  14. Hey, my little brother just started playing CSGO on his computer and it was almost unplayable. I just ordered him these parts to build him a new one. Hope this helps. I picked the parts as if I were buying it for myself so its a pretty nice PC. https://gyazo.com/7ac76ac52f512bb1387f8fd5885de673 https://gyazo.com/3e04f0dd5f04e80d4d9c11aa9ffce01c The total was $998.89 HOWEVER, this does not include a graphics card. This is because I got myself a titan xp. So my little bro is taking my 980ti. With that being said, the1080ti is only $699. So if you increased your budget from 1500 to 1700. you would have a beast PC. Just my thoughts! Good luck!
  15. Denied. Good luck finding a gang.
  16. You just ruined unlimited pardons. I bet you are the type of person to ask the teacher if we turn in the homework right when class ends.
  17. I LOVE YOU <3 @bamf
  18. Denied. Good luck finding a gang.
  19. Accepted for interview. Will PM TS info.
  20. Accepted for interview. Will PM TS info.
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