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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. I still own that garage on S1 @bamf
  2. If ur not gonna bid stay off the thread please and thanks
  3. I’m in the gang we were all on last night at least 3-4 people left
  4. Bada left convergence to join Envy and now everyone is leaving
  5. Stfu kid I’m messing with him holy shit I love chip he’s a cool dude
  6. Mines better btw also my idea
  7. sure i would its like 2k away but i have 2 of them so
  8. i thought you werent letting me buy it for less than a mil? well if jackH is going 751k ill go 760k
  9. me either let me look it up one sec
  10. Dude you literally offered 1.5mill you cant just go back on a bid have you ever done business before?
  11. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Kavala Asking Price: Offers Description: Perfect for storing gear when waking up in the hospital and only 90m from square Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/918050228309939104/86DE1ACAE3194AC095C0FB6312AC8A177CA58751/
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