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Everything posted by cFeor

  1. So because crosshairs give an unfair advantage in my opinion, I'm bad at the game? that is your logic... I'm saying that having crosshairs enabled is easy-mode and removing it will increase the skill gap between good players and not-so-good players, Which is a good thing if nowadays there are so many people on this server just for pvp.
  2. " the majority of close quarters combat nowadays is just using the 3rd person crosshair." are you just talking just to talk?
  3. The person who actually RP's get's banned
  4. are you 13 or 14 which one? Like Did your mom tell you to call people autistic for having a different opinion from you?
  5. if the only thing preventing using crosshairs are 3rd party programs and drawing on your screen then that is a job well done.. cannot stop people from doing that, take those AHK scripts that many people use for an example
  6. My point had to remove crosshair goes back to what i said earlier with the devs trying to make this server more pvp by adding in things like war statistics so at this point i'm addressing this issue as if it were not a life server. This server is now fulled with competitive arma players so minus well add in some competitive settings like removing the crosshairs since pvp is so heavily focused!
  7. 3rd person is stupid imo aswell, but if they remove 3rd person then most people will leave so that is not an option.. maybe having one server 1st person only would be cool but that is still asking for too much
  8. but you do realize most servers have it off because of how insanely stupid it is, especially in a game like this.. Like I abuse the crosshairs too and i have to admit it is bullshit. Up to 300m you can use crosshairs only almost completely accurately...
  9. With the addition to Wars and pvp statistics it is clear that developers are trying to appeal to the pvp players more which is fine. But, If 3rd person allows people to peak behind walls without exposing yourself and crosshairs make it incredibly easy to fight close quarters and line up shots before peaking then it would be better to remove crosshairs. I'm not sure if this would interfere with any scripts like seeing other peoples' names and if it does then disregard this suggestion
  10. someone who doesnt know when the next update is
  11. Needs more Dimmadome, that's right
  12. nOO.. Good video but terrible posture
  13. You know there are mental issues directly connected to not being able to sense sarcasm.
  14. i knew this how you do this, wut if I die and get put on other people montages? Will I be considered bad noob? srry for bad english, it my first language
  15. I liek this vido. I try to also be professional gaemer on roleplayin server, so i maek montages so poeple think i am gud at game. any advices on how to make it pro? The Arma 3 scene is wet right now
  16. "2 but cant rember" Promising candidate!
  17. So you're good at car chases? Very nice, I think you just improved your chances by 90%
  18. Yeah, people totally don't shit talk in any other game or server... It's petty but who cares really?
  19. "I love asian people" Get's kicked... Not funny, what is this?
  20. Good montage and song... Your signature triggered me though... It's "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Change it asap please, good video!
  21. This is a major problem for basically the whole community. I remember there was an asylum update that stated new ddos protection would make it near impossible for people to ddos the server to much effect, and the servers had a huge upgrade resulting in insanely high fps and less ping, what happened to that? Frames are important and when the server lags, we get fps drops. I used to think that this performance reduction was mainly because of the new Apex expansion but it's not just that. Compared to another major altis life server, Olympus for example, Asylum has weaker performance. Something needs to be done about this for the sake of having a good playing experience, maybe remove a couple servers so more resources could be allocated to have higher performance and protection. Maybe have less scripts being ran. I don't know the right solution here but I'm just pointing out the problem. The developers have done so well with this server that I don't want to see it ever die.
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