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APD Officer
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Everything posted by OgreTV

  1. Sugarfoot said words needed to be said, it is true. If you want something bad enough you'll get it. Will try to keep this is mind when on next interview. Trying local hospital now!
  2. Might get me somewhere.. Oh no, Ogre broke 3rd person! ffffffffffffff
  3. So, outside of this character is a relatively young adult with plenty of experience in human service field, a bachelor's degree with a high GPA from a reputable college. Now he is currently employed, but wants to seek something closer.. Yet each time he lands the interview, he doesn't seem to clinch the position. It's always close, always very close, the panel likes you and seems to enjoy talking with you, yet it seems to always result in the phone call or the email that starts out with, "Thanks for coming to the interview", and even that word at this point, thanks, just triggers that sadly disappointed feeling. Grraarrr... Veterans out there, the ones that seem to have very good interviews, what is your method for preparation? Trying anything for the next time at this point.
  4. OgreTV

    Who would win

    Based on like count, Ogre thinks this argument is the most valid one presented at this time.
  5. OgreTV

    Re:To Gnashes

    Ogre thinks Gnashes pretends to be a weeb. How can he be one and not like Hunter X Hunter?
  6. Supposing people will definitely check names from now on for "Cadet" right ..? Hah. Great video.
  7. Ogre wants to be a doctor, but he made too many bad choices in life for that to happen
  8. It costs them 50m to appeal, they can't afford to lol
  9. http://money.cnn.com/2016/03/18/media/hulk-hogan-gawker-jury-deliberations/index.html Gawker, and it's little network has been dragged right back into the center of the arena only to be set up for a bodyslam of 115M, that is before punitive damages even.. Hah! Hulk Hogan is a hero!
  10. Usually frown on threads like this But have you tried waiting in the team speak with admins name who banned you at end of your name? If what Cooper says is true, thought BAMF and other community managers asked admins to be a bit more expedient with at least denying the appeal
  11. One month Dlc delayed for pc and ps4 so that xbone can win on something.. Lame ubisoft. No buy.
  12. It's like APD cannot search registration or something..
  13. If Trap used the search feature and saw that there were hundreds of NLR threads already, would it help knowing why it will never happen?
  14. OgreTV

    Weird ass film

    At first ogre thought this was "Food Fight 2". John Tron would flip his shit
  15. OgreTV


    Calling attention to ogres argument being that hardcore raider base is a good way to track a game. Like comic books, it's the people who spend the most time in it that invest the most into the genre. When they leave, the casuals flicker in and flicker out. If you lose your core element, your base shrivels. As for vodka and the other major guilds which are a plenty that are relevant within the top percentile for progression.. They usually die out because they cannot find the proper replacements for their players who do leave whether for boredom, life or what have you. Why can't they just pick up the next guy and train them up you may ask? That'd be like asking why envy doesn't just recruit people from ex gang and train them up to be like them.. There's only so much you can teach m behaviors and mentality need to be aligned. You could try to stick it out and wait for the magical replacement to happen, which leads to the most Important element, motivation.. Without that, guilds will crumble as their trusted people grow tired or have to leave for life purposes.. The raiding community in general is on the decline. It won't be a shock to see a focus on pve diminish with the next couple of expansions as the big names leave the community. Works story for ogre has declined. It began after Lich king when they began killing major people off. What they did to garrosh character was a crime too.. But that doesn't necessarily take away from the genuinely funny moments ogre had with the quests in each expansion. But once the quests were finished and all that was left to raid, he found with each expansion there would seemingly be less focus on story for raids. That's what kills it for ogre, no story, no fun. Still would say ogre has good things to say for the aging game. Ogre will blame the negatives on Activision though.. Hah. Tldr; cater to your hardcore audience's tastes, and try to hold on to them as long as you can, ogre believes it's the lack of catering to its hardcore crowd is what lead to the decline.
  16. OgreTV


    Furnish, Ogre has been paying attention to the more respected "raiding guilds" who dedicate the majority of their time to being the first ones to clear an expansions expac. It speaks volumes that Vodka has disbanded, and before that even one of the big three guilds in the last few expansions, paragon disband. Population aside, they are definitely one of the pillars of warcrafts communities. With their departure.. It's a subtle sign that the game is definitely in decline.
  17. D G's concerns is valid about RP being important as white listed officers, the motto is, "we represent the community". If we don't try our best to keep situations fun for everyone involved, well, it just becomes pewpew between all factions. Of course, that said, sadly it will take a great effort from all sides and it's encouraged people try better to come up with funny scenarios for processing or dealing with criminals. Don't give up the good fight if your out there struggling.
  18. You'll always count on Ogre to try to RP with someone in an active gunfight. Ask a few people that did bank recently -- trying to talk someone to come down ladder for cookies and icecream and 50% ticket guaranteed at the least! With that said, depends on which officers you run into honestly, and there are a lot of fine veterans that will try to find a cadet and be good examples to them so that the tradition will carry. Ogre is one of those people. Your every day reminder folks: Golden Rule, Don't be a dick!
  19. Ogre made a thread asking for cringe videos when best cringe was right in front of him all along.. 8(
  20. Wish Duushe recorded it, glorious triumph for pistol bangers everywhere
  21. 8O How even... They becoming too advanced.. PARATUS!! NUKE KAVALA!!
  22. O-Oh.. Ogre is terrified..
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