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Everything posted by HunterB

  1. HunterB

    Housing Solution

    Haha damn athira rats. Working on a Pest Control Unit.
  2. HunterB

    Housing Solution

    What determines a house to be good or not and who gets to have those houses then?
  3. HunterB

    Housing Solution

    I choose to play the APD and do the 25 hours required each month with the 12 activities. If I had to focus on both Civ and cop this would be all I do each month, unless playtime in general counted towards my houses while playing cop time.
  4. HunterB

    Housing Solution

    I think the issue is that you don’t need to be whitelisted to play this game. Therefore, most likely there will be no requirements from your end. If you start making playtime requirements for an unwhitelisted faction you may lose overall player base. I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but if people feel like this is a job to play this game each month then they may lose interest. Just something to think about.
  5. Congrats! Also, I need @Austin M to teach me how to do gifs in here as well apparently.
  6. I mean I don’t personally care the outcome but I do like the way the carrier lite looks. I’m not sure if the statistics for it, but I’m sure they do provide a slight better protection wearing them and give more storage capacity. I still die just as easy though haha.
  7. +1 we already have 3 slots under UC that can get this. I see no reason why we shouldn’t get access to carrier lites in the regular slots to add a little more protection.
  8. Godspeed Leady! o7 - *(Interim Senior Admin) SGT HunterB salutes you*
  9. Wait a minute, <--- When did this happen? Imma need some comp.
  10. Bohemia updated the sound, not the devs. And the sound still fades as you get further away. Not sure if same distance than before.
  11. @abdul karim azeem homie indeed did dude. But you failed to notice it’s CIV life.
  12. hahah I love the laugh, cadet had no time to respond.
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