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Everything posted by Wubz

  1. Lets noooooot do Australia. kk? Map runs like shit.
  2. Top 5 (Most Active/No life Players) 1. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/us2.gaming-asylum.com:3202/top_players/?query= 2. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/us2.gaming-asylum.com:3202/top_players/?query= 3. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/us2.gaming-asylum.com:3202/top_players/?query= 4. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/us2.gaming-asylum.com:3202/top_players/?query= 5. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/us2.gaming-asylum.com:3202/top_players/?query= Top 3 (Player with the most rabbit kills) 1. Deazy 2. Arty 3. FireMelon Highest Ranked Member in all Statistics (Except Deaths) 1. Bikstok most likely
  3. You seem to dislike any form of cover. If you weren't doing that Prison Break against the "God Tier" Asians that entire time you were moving the truck you would've died in a heartbeat. Maybe ask if anyone has a smoke to pop in front of the truck so you can move it with more cover. Once you crossed the bridge you got out of the Hatchback and you back up away from the walls and the sandbags. Again, if it was any other Gang they most likely would've killed you. Other than that lead your shots a little better. That all comes with practice though. Keep up the good work. Edit: I may be wrong but it looks like you have Motion Blur and Bloom on. It makes the game more realistic and beautiful but it's not the best for combat. If it is on I suggest you tweak your settings a little.
  4. Wubz

    CQC Server

    Most of us played on that one CQC server with the Sofia map, and all that shit. That server has issues staying up for whatever reason. If you filter through the game modes, Team Deathmatch you should see a CQC server by Trevor Phillips. Its a small server with only 1 map at the moment which is a modified Fed, but the owner said hes trying to make new places to fight. Its a got Asylum's weapons and clothing mostly, but theres only tac vests. No Carriers. It's fun. Try it out if you can.
  5. How old is this picture.. Dharoks hasn't looked like that in like 2+ years on new school. And there's no Staff of light in old school.
  6. Pures were better. https://gyazo.com/e4e90c436067195b942b86c3d00e284b
  7. Wubz


    https://gyazo.com/3a2db3f12d845a8ec5158b155e1ef573 Lyerz's steam account... Wonder if its referring to you. Welcome back.
  8. They were in the server until Bohemia buffed them. A friend of mine had one in his garage on asylum before the hack and we shot over 200 7.62 mags into him while he was landed in front of us. No damage was given to him. Paratus removed them from the server.
  9. Why talk shit when you're even more irrelevant than he is...
  10. We only tried to leg him, Tiller's got those explosive rounds that kill people shot in the legs. Good fun though! xD
  11. I read some of the top comments. Does anyone just want to punch him in the face till he turns straight ..... Delete your fucking channel please, like this needs to stop. You are literally just a shit 5 year old joey graceffa clone. Jake is the biggest queer on the Internet (Come at me little kids) Are you a girl or a boy??? HARSH REALITY INCOMING IN 3.... 2...... 1............ THIS KID IS THE FUCKING DEFINITION OF YOUTUBE CANCER. This kid makes me wish I had Down Syndrome
  12. You can see me merking those Cocaine Cowboy retards in chat xD. Love it.
  13. The landing was nothing when you play with Mack2411. But nice montage. ;D
  14. Usually my recommended videos are CS:GO Montages, Arma Montages from the forums or songs. But I clicked on Trending and I got this TRASH. I want to kill myself... Is this Latin King .Hakeem?
  15. xD Jessie & TRAV with the three suicide vests.
  16. When the Suicide Vest Queen herself blows up Serpico's Used Car lot. https://gyazo.com/5422ff0e3ac748416a4b04e9e85e5ad3
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