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    Ontario, Canada

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  • Asylum Gang
    uNiTed dRUnken iDioTs

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  1. Are you still ok with this if you get kicked (battleye/ping/mem leak/etc). Also, you wouldn't be able to softlog to fix any issues.
  2. I'm honestly not entirely sure why that happens. But I can look into it. I sent you a message on discord about this and why it happens. Also with details on a fix.
  3. How do you plan to initiate hostile RP with all these people? KOTH and Wasteland are great to do what you want. SWAT Officers get a Rangefinder (increased zoom). If recon is in the pick, they get a drone. Sgt+ also have drones (which have thermals).
  4. Sorry forgot to include this Honestly this really is a non issue. Have extra items you can't carry, pass it to your BB. Need more meds, go to town where civs (and criminal scum are). Also, what you described is a 1 time thing that you have to do when switching precincts slots. Not something you have to do every time you die.
  5. So what I mean is that when you're in the switch/case you would set a private variable like "_isAggressive" (which is declared at the top and initalized to false. And when you loop and find that one of the passengers is aggressive set _isAggressive to true. So when it comes to color, you can just check if _isAggressive is true. You can even improve from there so that is you did find one of passengers is aggressive you can stop checking the rest of the passengers and not do more checks that are not needed. In the end I don't think you need to change what you did since the performance difference would be negligible IMO.
  6. This is follows along one of the solutions I saw. But why loop through the vehicle crew again (in the new code) instead of just doing the gang/aggression check when looping through the vehicle crew on lines 82-90 (relevant code below) and if one of the occupants should be red, set a flag and you can use it in the if block on line 100. This removes the need to loop again. case !(_x isKindOf "Man"): { _name = ""; { _extra = if (_forEachIndex > 0) then {", "} else {""}; _name = _name + _extra + (_x getVariable['life_name', name _x]); } forEach (crew _x); _name; };
  7. If your solution does not work, feel free to ping me. I took a look at the relevant code section and feel I understand the issue and have come up with two possible solution.
  8. You putting flaps down? I just tried it with flaps down and put the plane so I had only 4/5 of the runway and took off fine (close to trees). Had I moved my plane back it would have been better.
  9. Well that's just not true. NVG are not first to go on and that's the problem.
  10. That would help solve issues, but too easy a solution so won't happen.
  11. Out of curiosity why is there a 3 second sleep before disabling simulation on the object? Since the object created is allowed to collide, 3 seconds is a lot of time for something to happen, and if a vehicle is moving and something spawns inside of it, well BOOM. _obj spawn { sleep 3; [[_this],"life_fnc_simDisable",false,false] call life_fnc_MP; _this enableSimulation false; };
  12. Why no switch to unconscious state (like downed).
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