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Potential New Aspect for Asylum Rebels

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Taking into account the recent understanding within our community that things are getting a bit stale for Rebels, I sat down for about 2 minutes (as we all should) and thought of a quick idea that incentivizes gangs to fight for a cartel whilst adding another activity for rebels.

The idea is essentially some sort of "Cartel Leader." After capturing Arms or Drug cartel, a gang will have the ability to interact with the "NPC" and be assigned a mission relevant to that cartel. (Similar to DP missions, but illegal and for rebels). An example of a mission could be that after your gang has captured drug cartel and you selected to be assigned a mission, a randomized message would pop up stating "I need you to get these drugs to "X" location. If you make it there, I'll make sure you're rewarded." And a unique HEMTT could spawn in, full of Meth. No one would be able to access the HEMTT unless it enters the randomly assigned area, like one of those pointless cities that just have houses, or a random DP that's near a major city, like DP2. After you get the HEMTT to the location you could potentially have to protect for X minutes until it disappears and the person assigned the mission receives X amount of money.

In order to spice things up with the missions, cops could be able to receive some sort of "intel" report that notifies them of a cartel operation. The notification should serve more as a "hint" as opposed to a very specific location for the cops to immediately head towards. 

All of the aspects of this idea could be replaced in order to create a variety of missions, such as replacing the HEMTT with another vehicle(s),  or spawning in a crate full of an item(s) that is relevant to your mission. 

I thought of this shit as I was typing it, so if you want to -1 and say it's shit, go ahead, but I'm just trying to think of things to revive our gang community, which is a pillar of Asylum. I think the idea has some workability with it and with some creative minds, I'm sure we can think of something.

Below I've listed two other quick ideas that I've been thinking about. Let me know what you think

-Increase the time before another gang can capture a cartel. maybe instead of 15 minutes (Or whatever the hell it is), change it to 30. 10 fully geared guys just died for that cartel, at least let it mean something. Especially for gangs that wish to use the cartel for economic reasons when doing drug/weapon runs. Capturing drug and planning to do a meth run is a bit pointless when a gang just contests it as you roll up to meth lab. 

-Create a civ to cop ratio. Not sure of the feasibility of the coding for it though. i.e 1 cop for every 5 civs online. (If there were 84 civs online, 16 cop slots would be available). As of lately, there have been "cop armies" on every server due to an influx of cops. It ruins the fun when two guys that are new to the server go to rob a gas station when there are 40 civs on, and 2 minutes later 12 cops are surrounding the place. 

These are just some ideas based on my opinion of how some things should be changed/added. I encourage everyone to take a minute and think of some stuff they think would help revive the community, as opposed to complaining about being bored/quitting the server. 

Edited by Hound
Hypo, rngr, Frizzy and 7 others like this
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But for your first idea (cartel leader) It would be nice if others gangs receive a message that u are transporting something, So there will be fights, abushes ect 


And for the civ cop ratio, I say +0,5, It would annoying if u just want to play on server 4 cuz thats your main server. and u can't cuz of the ratio.

In other fact cops need to split up more.   Last few days server 4 is full of cops when i look and the other server 0 to 3 cops 


and about the cartels, I like the idea, But what i think should be nice a random time everytime,  15 to 45 min in between that    Would also be nice for the smaller gangs (Me Included) 

Olivia likes this
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A cop cap? Lol no. Then people will have literally a fun time robbing the bank/fed while doing the prison while cops are spread so thin they will become salty and bitter over said cap. Not to mention the people in the other cities being robbed by said rebels wanting to 911 cops to help them.


-1 for cop cap. Rare to see 20+ cops on outside NA Prime hours on every server. They usually flock to one server and hunker in.

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7 hours ago, Hound said:

The idea is essentially some sort of "Cartel Leader." After capturing Arms or Drug cartel, a gang will have the ability to interact with the "NPC" and be assigned a mission relevant to that cartel. (Similar to DP missions, but illegal and for rebels). An example of a mission could be that after your gang has captured drug cartel and you selected to be assigned a mission, a randomized message would pop up stating "I need you to get these drugs to "X" location. If you make it there, I'll make sure you're rewarded." And a unique HEMTT could spawn in, full of Meth. No one would be able to access the HEMTT unless it enters the randomly assigned area, like one of those pointless cities that just have houses, or a random DP that's near a major city, like DP2. After you get the HEMTT to the location you could potentially have to protect for X minutes until it disappears and the person assigned the mission receives X amount of money.

In order to spice things up with the missions, cops could be able to receive some sort of "intel" report that notifies them of a cartel operation. The notification should serve more as a "hint" as opposed to a very specific location for the cops to immediately head towards. 

This sounds fun AF +1

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Personally i love the base idea, you could tweak it slightly back and forth but i think this will make people happy for a while, maybe have cops see the hemmt on the map at all times and cops can seize the hemmt and then if they do recieve a bonus of 10-20k(for all cops, not share 10-20k) and if rebels deliver the hemmt then they get instead 200-500k depending on how paratus feels how much it should be, the reward could also change depending on how far it is to the destination. 


But i really love the idea and could spice things up on Asylum for a good amount of time

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^ Yeah I think you could make some sort of addition that allows for other gangs to become involved, and allow for the HEMTT to possibly be "hijacked," which allows for other gangs to have something to do even if they don't have the cartel.  

I think this idea would also allow us to wipe the dust off our .50 cals and finally put them to use. 

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16 minutes ago, Monster said:

What happened to the days when the super gangs would, run community Drug runs, so that the drug cartel owner would get a big portion of the money, plus they always got into some sort of fight with the APD, that was fun gang activity, Gangs now days are so boring!

There is a group cap now... 

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