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Medic Job Quest suggestion


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This idea will be a bit scattered but hopefully you get the concept im going for.

The general plague of medic and why people rarely hop on it or stay for long is downtime of doing nothing.


The only 2 suggestions I coukd come up with without detracting or breaking the purpose of the role were as follows.

1) Clinic mini game: Similar to how firefighter currently works but instead it changes you into some type of doctor scrubs type outfit then spawns you at hospital and spawns say 3 NPCS. A item vendor would be nearby selling items such as medicines, splints,  things of that nature and you need to diagnose each patient based off injury and provide them the right item via scroll wheel to fix them for money.

The money would have to be balanced if it was spammable otherwise something on par with firefighting once in awhile.


My 2nd suggestion and admittedly less desirable would be to give medics an option to farm weed if its legal and sell to medical dispensary at a reduced price that civs would get so you are doing something and still making legal passive income in between calls. The main conflict here is it woukd detract you from rezzing someone mid farm of it did pop which is bad.

If thats not an option perhaps something along the equivalent lines of making license plates in jail. An instanced teleport area for medics only where you can farm bushes or something for medical ingredients and trade them in one inventory at a time for a small bit of profit. That way when you get a call you can leave and respond to a call and nothing is lost.


Also open to better suggestions.

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