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AFD Advanced EMT
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Everything posted by Knight05

  1. You are support. You are suppose to be supportive and my authorized representative. The first line of defense in the community. Support me. If I ask how's that conversation going to go? They're going to tell me to KMS and then I might and you would be sad and miss me if I did.
  2. 采纳你自己的建议。你是明天在工厂生产我的新 Android 手机的 18 小时轮班的人。 Cao ni ma
  3. Ya there's 4 selectable options. What if someone hypothetically was a non binary libtard Californian furry with tourettes? Asking for a friend.
  4. That's a really good idea support member fried rice. What would you rate the priority level as well on assigning interchangeable icons or blank sections where people can assign themselves pronouns so we can all interchangeably share our individuality like Pokémon cards?
  5. They have already said the answer is no and there will be zero passive income. Also this is a NA server speak English bitch Google translate or something for christ sake. At least make the effort. -500 social credit for being lazy and retarded.
  6. As Fitz said speak English. Nobody is Google translating that shit.
  7. By all means go ahead I'm ready.
  8. No it's deeper than that, Chow wants the entire server killed. He's evil. A double sleeper agent for olympus. That's why he made all the suggestions about National Fed and Oil Rig and then it got changed like a day later. Some men don't want money or power they just want to watch the world burn. 具有讽刺意味的是,当你们国家在独裁者和大屠杀者的统治下,以入侵威胁强行迫使其他国家加入你们的国家,并以极端的审查制度和任何违反小熊维尼权威独裁统治的自由尝试来惩罚自己的公民时,你们称我为希特勒。
  9. Who is being racist? This is a wholesome respectful conversation you cheating ass, tusken raider looking sandy fuck.
  10. How much is Xi Xi Ping paying you?
  11. 无论出于何种原因,我们都不想要中文时期。启动中国服务器,你们可以在同一个 ping 上玩游戏并互相骚扰。 I'm with you. It's the same cycle they show up randomly kill off the dedicated long timers with their cancer pings and gameplay people get sick of it and dip then they bail. Then the Chinese get bored and dip and leave and the long timers return, rinse and repeat cycle.
  12. 400+ Ping, zero english. Laggy AF, unkillable in many situations. All run downing weapons. We banned tik tok in the USA because it ruined a generation with fake prank videos and twerk videos and much like marijuana was a gateway drug that led our future mothers and sisters into only fans. We must rise up against this communist threat for not just this generation but ALL future generations and take a stand against the red dawn. The end of days is upon us brothers and sisters of Asylum. Will we take a stand and fight for the future of our server or will we sell our souls for meager profits from loot crates and asylum gold? Who's with me?
  13. 90% of your clips are like you roaching, killing people not looking at you at all or reloading.
  14. Surely you are going to be nerfing cop coins in the same manner right? Because all of them pretty much are maxed out prestige already unless they are new or broke after like the first week or 2. They also get a pretty much guaranteed vault at the end of oil. And on top of it you buffed their vault window to buy a token from 5 minutes to 10 minutes if im not mistaken, yet did not do so for civ where if you die or get detained its considerably harder to get back in time. Can you start to kind of see here where this perceived bias comes into play and why people are concerned and lose trust that you are "listening to the community" and also being "impartial" for the sake of balance? I often wonder if these decisions are just YOLO'd on the spot and then patched the next day because many of these decisions I feel like if there was a group of people sitting around would be like "uhhh that might not be the best idea let's discuss it some more". I know this idea will almost certainly be dismissed but moving on in the future my suggestion to the staff team given that you say you want feedback and are listening is to put out a list of proposed patch changes prior to actually doing it to give the community a chance to give feedback and suggestions so things can be tweaked, added/removed, or reconsidered prior to pushing a patch given that there is no "test server". It doesn't mean you have to listen to any/all ideas but at the very least if nothing of value is suggested you can guage where the community is at in terms of somethin versus the current standard of we think this is a good idea so we are doing it and if people bitch we will adjust it later. At the end of the day the players and the community are what fund and populate this server. That doesn't mean you are required to do everything they say and be held hostage or be their bitch but it does mean you should listen to what they have to say and strongly consider what sounds like a good idea to the bulk of the community versus just a handful of people. You say you are doing that and to a degree I will give credit where credit is due and say you are but it feels like "barely" if I am being honest.
  15. So 2 tokens of each tier drop? And people have to share. For example if 4 people needed tier 1 you would have to decide which two people get tier 1?
  16. RIP national you had a good run.
  17. Knight05

    National HQ

    Because numbers still win. The same way a pro player might kill like 7 Westside dudes solo but then die to an 8th player from sheer numbers.
  18. Knight05

    National HQ

    Cops are OP, event is fine.
  19. Ya why put actual data values in patch notes that is retarded who does that. It makes far more sense that someone "min-maxing" which I never even brought up would sit there and pull every single vehicle in game and sit there with a stop watch timing it to see the speed differences. Why mention the increased speed % from tempest via prestige coins or anything else for that matter in the game, let us all just figure it out on our own right that's the whole fun of it. Another absolute banger from JRLIFE24.
  20. Is it possible to get % values on the processor speed with the different vehicle types. Like actual value numbers outside of fast as fuck boiiiiii? Just for a gauge on if something is worth or not with the larger size vs risk?
  21. Crafting values are still wrong. Either pan, lifetime quests, prestige crafting reductions or a combo is not being factored. With all lifetime crafting quests done, prestige 4 and pan for example the values before this patch were this: Frit: 60k, 2 flawless, 8 glass, 5 rubber, 8 oil , 23 iron ingots Currently it is 64k 2 flawless, 8 glass, 8 oil, 5 rubber, 24 iron ingots So it's costing 1 more iron and 4k more money. It's the same for orcas and many other recipies. With the lifetime prestige and pan it should be exactly the same values as pre patch should it not? 20% pan, 5% from prestige + lifetime quests values. Math isn't adding up
  22. The turf and cartel cooldown timers. I am assuming the idea behind the turfs was to give everyone a chance to cap for beneficial gain versus one zerg gang controlling a turf all restart. From my understanding once it is capped its either 15 mins till someone new can contest or you can recontest it instantly? I feel it should be 30 minutes in between contesting's to make it actually viable for people to sell or get any real benefit from it. Like for example what if you cap pan then leave to make an orca or something and the moment you leave some new dude is literally on flag taking it to contest? You lose all current benefits of pan and now they are like mini cartels u constantly have to contest to do ANYTHING with. As far as the cartels same issue I guess. I get the wanting unlimited non stop fights and im cool with that but even WITH a 15 min cooldown on drug by the time you capped it and flew to say meth lab or something to process literally anything without tax by the time you even fly there and pull mats, boom, cooldown over someone taking drug. I personally think it's the wrong direction. I think cartels if anything should have INCREASED cap cooldowns to like 45 mins - 60 mins and something new should be added in between as filler such as a cartel based stash house for guns/explosives/money or something to that effect. Something people can still fight over while waiting for caps to come off cooldown. By making caps just yolo contestable 24-7 theyre virtually impossible to hold and just for fighting now because you are bored with 0 real financial gain to be benefited from them. Again I know unpopular opinion and most will disagree with me I'm just throwing in my 2 cents. I think everything else is more or less a big W especially the huron. Would love to see it bee craftable down the line though given how expensive it is.
  23. Im upset does anyone care?
  24. I get it but like also.... it's $5 who cares
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