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AFD Advanced EMT
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Everything posted by Knight05

  1. I didn't read any of it but I liked the pretty text colors and thereforeI agree 100%
  2. Agree no reason for it not to work this way otherwise it is just the old turd system with a new look.
  3. What about me am I getting mod?
  4. I do also agree like having a public player list kind of defeats the entire purpose of UC tbh. I would even take this a step further though and make it so the undercover channel and ONLY the undercover channel on TS is invisible to anyone who is not listed as a cop. Sure there will still be cops who jump on to snitch and tell their friends. But it would prevent the vast majority from looking and seeing who is UC.
  5. Actually W patch for once all around TBH. I will give credit where credit is due and this seems like a massive win for asylum for a change. Good job dev team and all supporting staff members! The only concern I have without knowing the details and specifics which I didn't see listed in the patch notes is I noticed you lowered the cost of things like ifrits, orcas etc. My crafting specific question would be then is the cash on hand required to craft these items lowered as well? Otherwise there would be minimal profit to time ratio in crafting these items for people on the exchange as people once did. For example with pan turf before if you crafted a frit and were lucky to sell it for 90k it cost you 60k to make and required about 10 mins or so to farm the mats (estimate). So that's a 30k profit ratio for 10 mins. With the new price changes it would be about 15-20k if that.
  6. Let me try to phase this in a way a crimson gang member would best understand it. "Like oh em gee chat look at Knight05 he's totally voting with his head and not his heart like the rest of us. What is he even doing right now chat, like oh em gee totally super cray, can we get a L in the chat for Knight05 please?" And then follow it up with some kind of gay pirate noise and you have your answer.
  7. Trees are beautiful and majestic. They also prevents all you pussy house snipers from having clear field of view 24-7. Layout is epic. The colors are a bit bright and bold but at the end of the day who cares. If it becomes too much they can tone it down alittle. As long as all the trees and bushes and such isn't going to tank performance (which it shouldn't) then I'm all for it. Stop being a negative nancy and tell me something you DO like about it.
  8. I legitimately don't know if this is a troll post or you are serious.
  9. Many of them already have. Some may come back, some maybe won't only time can tell now.
  10. The chinese drove off the people who had been here for years. Once they ran everyone off and nobody wanted to play against them anymore they all dipped and made their own chinese server lmao. So id say that logic didn't really work out in the end. Preach brother. I warned them. I warned them all. But they would.....not....listen. Smh
  11. Ya if you ask 20 different people you are going to get 20 different answers for sure. I looked at the screenshots again I originally thought it was like on a main road in the town center effectively blocking a roadway with debris and such. I see now that it is not but more a behind the DMV cosmetic thing. I mean it's whatever its fine. I have to ask even though I'm sure I know the answer but is that ifrit asset like static meaning non interactable? Because I could see someone trolling and attaching remote bombs or lockpicking it day 1 or some other such non sense to troll. This is quite a good idea like see it before you buy it type deal so people could check them out in game in full detail. You could also add a warehouse type building a effective (car dealership) in athira with 1 of each vehicle that skins are typically sold for and let people spectate and view them in detail before buying also etc. This would be extra work on the devs though to constantly upgrade them each time some new skin comes out and something tells me they're going to be like meh fuck all that you can tell in the screenshots.
  12. I think the square ultimately looks nice over all. I think you did a good job. My only 2 negative critiques would be I'm not in love whole trophy car/rock thing and ramp with broken down cars. And also i think there needs to be a chair/picnic table/bench type area off to the right near the billboard in that hedged off area. Somewhere for medics and other people to chill out of the road but still near the action, so they can dance, have a cook out, call each other the N and F word etc etc....
  13. he's saying he wants to be able to do bug reports in game versus the forums and/or discord. The same way people can do player reports/disputes on oly but basically for bug reports. I mean it's never going to happen and you are not going to do it so its irrelevant but yeah.... that is what he is saying.
  14. Don't you think if all the OGs ends up returning its going to be the same scenario in a month lol? The people who were rich AF before are going to be rich AF again. Like 10+ man gangs locking down whatever the best paying drug is. Yes there will be a ton of fights and stuff for cops to do which is the whole point, but if the idea is to stop people from getting like 50+ mil deep again thats like a month or 2 tops till you are back to where you were pre wipe. Even after 5 mil saved you can basically spam frits and kits endlessly.
  15. Fucking stand down soldier. The devs need our positivity and dreams and hopes now more than ever before. This is a negative free zone and we need to bring encouragement and good vibes. You picking up, what I'm putting down bitch?
  16. Ya they're both scripters. Blatant as fuck as well. And this is like their 2nd or third ban for it as well. Couldn't be me YIKES
  17. Looks like you paid your due's to rogue china and get to stay. You win this battle but the war is far from over!
  18. Uh no its called an insurance policy if a bad idea ends up failing. If the wipe doesn't work out and people get their shit back they will return. I don't even know why you care you and oskarr show up for like 2 hours a week to roach a fed or a cartel then log off to go braid each other's hair in the bathtub with a glass of wine.
  19. i didn't read any of it but rando is really onto something here and I agree with all of it and it should be implemented asap ROCKY!!!!
  20. Can you make all the billboards in spanish with pictures of fat mexican chicks drinking coca cola, to give it that authentic California feel?
  21. I didn't read any of it but I agree with everything and it should be implemented asap
  22. They said on TS in roughly 1 weeks time or thereabouts. As far as dom being separate I don't think they said if they did I missed it
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