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Chris Peacock

APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Chris Peacock

  1. https://gyazo.com/479efc3c3200819fa68f8f40c6858d6f Send offers
  2. could have a space ufo fed event thing using this could be lit
  3. Waiting for the people that take this post seriously to come in and cry
  4. I like the idea of everything here except the high powered scoped combined with stuff like then lynx. Also a tier 5 vest would be a little op combined with coveralls I also think cartel cooldowns are fine at 10mins
  5. I think the only one that could be added is the cyber one but I’m not sure. All the other ones just look a bit too obstructed or just have no clue what’s going on But cool idea fs
  6. Nigga has somehow become the biggest yapper and crybaby at the same time
  7. they look decent if you ironed them out a bit but you cant change a model of a vehicle especially an ifrit cuz itll change the hitboxes if they have collision and if they dont change the boxes people wouldnt know where to aim because some spots would have invisible glass
  8. Increase the storage on houses... you guys lowered the max houses so let us have more storage Also make the Sickle purchasable at market and make it not 5k
  9. Chris Peacock

    Cop Changes

    Buddy got his ifrit spiked from a moving vehicle kept driving and got pulled out cuz he has no tires probably
  10. I can see both sides to it tbh. It is a roleplay server after all but I’ve never been big on the immersion aspect of the server but I know some players are. I do wish transparency from devs was more in depth when denying suggestions but that’s what we get here on asylum
  11. Hey man. If it’s easy and possible I don’t see why not make it an option in your phone. People that want them can keep and people that don’t can turn it off I’m pro tach… am I a troll?
  12. I want grass removed. It’ll increase fps and make fights more enjoyable
  13. Like they said before though someone already tried to change it and it wasn’t easy or even not possible to do without modding the server. I’m sure if it was as easy as just changing a line of code or whatever tf devs do to change shit it would just be an option on your phone or even be included in the ambient sounds option. I would turn off this sound if it was an option but I don’t see it as a necessary change.
  14. I just feel this is bottom of the importance list when it comes to adding things right now. To me personally it doesn’t matter but I just don’t think it’s important enough to require a change
  15. Brotha wants a gang fort that has a processor at it🤣🤣🤣 cmon man
  16. i think he means like the pop up in the top right pops up even for temporary redzones (I dont think this is possible tho)
  17. yo btw you cant have your cake and eat it too
  18. Idk what makes u think a solo player will ever own this 2nd fort instead of a group
  19. You would think this but the server wiped because people had too much money to with no point to play the server. Having unlimited money wouldn’t make people push cartels it would make them not play the server
  20. Brotha. Just let it die
  21. I ain’t reading all that… just cap gang fort
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