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  Blood money is currently useless I feel like it should be buffed and made easier to obtain rather than something that comes from only killing rebels, people just camp rebel for blood money and its so boring it should be easier to obtain here are some things that can be used for it and ways of obtaining it. 


* Add suppressors for rebels but only make them available to purchase through blood money or ability to be found in airdrops but only the pistol caliber suppressors:

- 5.7 suppressor for the P90

- 9mm is already in the game but not for civs only for cops I think it should be for civs as well

- 45 ACP for Vector and such 

* Add the .50 Cal mags for the type 115, it is a worse version of the shotgun slug far less accurate than a mark one I think it would be a fun addition to the server to be able to buy them for the type 115, it isn't overpowered because the slug shotgun is the same exact thing, but make them available to buy only through blood money and such:

- Each mag is 15k blood money or found in airdrops / place crashes 

* Reduce the blood money prices of vehicles, and loadouts, no one is paying 90,000 BM for an ifrit when you can buy one off the temu exchange for 50k regular money, the prices are too inflated!:

- Reduce the price of everything blood money related by 30% including loadouts, a MK 1 should not be the same as regular money.

* Make BM easier to obtain 

- Cop kills at federal events should grant blood money just like rebel kills, successfully robbing the fed and bank should grant blood money, prison breaks and crafting should give blood money, evading APBs, selling gold bars, and illegal drugs all of it should grant blood money.


These are all the ones I can think of at the moment if you guys have any other ways or things that should be added that are balanced comment below :3


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41 minutes ago, Xehons said:

 * Add the .50 Cal mags for the type 115, it is a worse version of the shotgun slug far less accurate than a mark one I think it would be a fun addition to the server to be able to buy them for the type 115, it isn't overpowered because the slug shotgun is the same exact thing, but make them available to buy only through blood money and such:

- Each mag is 15k blood money or found in airdrops / place crashes 


Only point I don’t think is good. They can go though deerstands and Most other cover and that isn’t good. Plus it’s two guns in one and that’s a huge advantage. You can fuck up the .50 cal shot then switch right back to the 6.5 while others need to go though the animation of switching weapons 

Edited by Akeelagi
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