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Everything posted by Akeelagi

  1. Akeelagi

    Add mods

    if people cant figure out mods this late into the lifespan of arma 3 then there is no hope for them. the whole "barrier to entry" argument is dumb because if people want to play they will if they dont then they wont. plus we have a staff team, especially the support guys who can help them the best they can. we have to do something at this point because we are just paralyzed at this point.
  2. That just promotes pushing 8 and sitting there. I think the system is fine how it is. If the afd isn’t able to get to them then the cops will do it as we always have. Plus cops move around the map a hell of a lot more then the afd does so we tend to get more revives anyways. I don’t think we should forfeit anything if we are doing the work while the useless afd just sit in a town. Especially after their “boycott”.
  3. Akeelagi


    my guy im retired. ive been retired from 2018 lol i dont have anything to do with leadership of the APD. what are you on about? also who would you like to see in leadership spots that would be so much better then the 9 Lts and 3 captains we have now? give some names
  4. Akeelagi


    there are 3 new captains and almost a whole new group of LT's from a year ago. what more do you want? do you want to be put in a captain spot or have your friends put in there? I've never understood this. I only ask because I see you aren't whitelisted as a cop so I'm assuming you fucked up somewhere and got blacklisted or got removed for something and you just don't like the APD so now you constantly say "wipe the apd" as if its some magic solution to some fantasy you've concocted in your head.
  5. Akeelagi


    like samp said, not every faction needs access to everything the others ones have. you want a ghosthawk, get captain.
  6. What happened to higher ups telling people to go to different cities and not group up? I remember we used to do that sometimes when one city had to many cops. Hardcoded things are a bandaid for bad leadership in this case. Let the sgts, Lts and captains get the APD to where it needs to be not some line of code. There are two new captains and some new Lts let them fix the problem
  7. Why don’t we just do what we always do and just make it Sgt+
  8. We got rid of csats and carrier lites a while ago due to armor stacking issues the community brought up and possibly problems with BI ( not sure if I’m remembering something else with this or not.)
  9. Factorio, gotta get ready for the dlc
  10. Only point I don’t think is good. They can go though deerstands and Most other cover and that isn’t good. Plus it’s two guns in one and that’s a huge advantage. You can fuck up the .50 cal shot then switch right back to the 6.5 while others need to go though the animation of switching weapons
  11. correct my if im wrong but wasnt there a post bitching about higher ups pulling armor? it just seems to be a simple case of the apd cant win either way, they are damned if they do dammed if they dont with this community.
  12. Akeelagi

    New Air HQ Design

    Add some concrete walls around the roof thing behind the dome and I think it looks nice and functional
  13. I think there is a double side to this. One I agree with the money cap. If money needs to be grinded for then that player interaction around the map will keep happening and that is what drives the server at the end of the day. Especially when the cops get bored and log off civs can still fight and grind and interact. The other side I can see is people seeing it as a never ending grind and just getting burnt out and leaving. I don’t know we keep both sides happy but maybe the devs can figure that one out.
  14. The idea I think is there is a button to add 50% to the ticket but not the overall bounty if sent to jail. The 50% increase is a rare thing as is(as least that I’ve seen and even back when I was an LT) and it is only used when people are being super toxic or harassing the officer. Is there a way to do that so it only affects the ticket price and not the bounty if sent to jail? I think that’s what samp is asking for.
  15. is there a way this can get recorded and posted here on the forums? i know im not the only one who wont be able to make this meeting but would still like to know all that was talked about. or even just a summary of the meeting.
  16. it sounds like you have a problem with the higher ups lol us retired guys have corporal in-game. some have Sgt but they dont show up anymore. if you wanna shakeup leadership and "people in power" take that to the Captains. Us retired folks dont have shit for power or anything, we cant even get retirement benefits lol.
  17. why? all we get is Corporal ingame. wooo so we can go UC and look like a normal civ or use the medic slot because fuck warrant, i leave that to people who want to chase others across the map. that's legit all that we get. i put in my time for this and its not like many retired people are still around anyways. there are like 3-5 of us old guys still around.
  18. you do notice that most of the time someone runs from the cop the chase doesn't stay on the road and trying to get people to go ahead of the car in a random field and set up spikes and just hope to god that they go over that very specific spot will 9.999999/10 never happen. if you hate this just wait till you find out we used to be able to rolling barricade people. shit was wild. this isn't going to change. just learn to notice when cops drive in front of you that they will likely put spikes down and just turn away if you see that going to happen.
  19. Not the way I figured we’d of gone. I figured we’d try modding the server as there is so much more content we are missing out by being so stubborn and not using mods but we will see. I think it’s got a decent chance despite the loud few.
  20. It just sounds like a gang that can act with impunity.
  21. how old are some of these clips? im seeing people who haven't played in a hot minute.
  22. maybe they can make a chat for only the person being taken, kind like how the phone calls make a new chat or something?
  23. while i agree the roleplay could be better, its a lite roleplay server lets not pretend its not. you sometimes get shafted and sometimes you can get some really cool guys to roleplay with. i dont play as much as i used to so when i do get on now i usually just pardon people. i don't personally care, now i cant speak for everyone but there are still some really good guys on the APD. im with you on i wish they would roleplay better but i also understand you can only hear "it was in self defence" or some stupid implausible story so many times before youre like "sure buddy". i think it has to come from both sides. i mean we've all been in the shoes of both parties and done and had done to us what you described.
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