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Making Money


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Besides the vermin and scotch runs what are some ways you guys make money on asylum im curious to see how many unique ways you guys do on our community regardless of server or gang affiliation. I myself run scotch vermins and the occasional bodyguard for hire route. 

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Boris' money making guide.

Acquire 5 houses in athira.

Fill with scotch.

Each restart, remove the 25 year scotch and replace with new make. Sell the 25YOS.

To supplement, play cop, offer parole to all.

If not whitelisted, heroin runs with movie streaming sites, or should you feel saucy, some meth will do fine too, but heroin is just less hassle. (Of course, get Rodo for heroin.)



Of course, you could just buy money nowadays, it's a non-fluctuating $5 per 100k and if you have a minimum wage job you'll easily make enough to buy cap each week for cartels or the 10 suicide vests or whatever.

FozzyBear, massi and Mr.Slinky like this
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