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I've said this in the past and will say it again. There is ways to have a donation system that doesn't violate the rules and give good enough perks to get people to carry on donating, it just requires some effort on the Devs side. As far as I know, even giving prestige for donating should violate the rules.

Cosmetics - The simplest form of having perks that doesn't violate the rules. Each Donor level will unlock cool cosmetic items as they go on. All Paratus/Bamf has to do is put some time into creating awesome custom skins worth paying for, not that green shit you call a 100$ Hatchback skin or that floral tshirt. I'm talking about cool things worth paying for, things like awesome hatchback skins, other re-skinned vehicles, rebel fatigues etc.. the list goes on and the possibilities are endless with cosmetics. heres a example of a simple skin that took me 30 minutes to make with basic Photoshop knowledge. (And don't mention mission file size, around 9mb was freed up from the removal of the karaoke so theres plenty of room for custom skins)

Global Awards - This is the method a lot of server tend to choose. All it requires is the server changing the current system of donations. Instead of donations being tier based, it will have to be monthly goal based. The way this works is that you set a goal and a reward. When the monthly goal is met, you have a global award that everyone can enjoy, even if you payed or not. 
A example of what ALUK and GTA does: Once they meet their donation goal, for the first 5 days of the month, everything is discounted at 50% in game for everyone. I believe Olympus also done something similar but with releasing Hatchback sports once they met their goal.

These 2 methods are the most common, and they are perfectly fine by Bohemia. All were asking for is, please don't find loopholes, please don't try to be smart. Just completely revamp your whole donation system, like literally remove everything from the old system and just start all over again from fresh seeing as what ever you're doing now, and trying to hold onto the old system hasn't worked as we've had this issue about what, 3 times now? Look how bad it looks on the community when new players join and see that our server is breaking Bohemias rules, it doesn't look so well. If I was a new player, I would just leave and find another community that is protected by Battleeye, its not only a short time issue, it also effects the community in the long run.


Tiger, JAY1HP, BioHazard and 6 others like this
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