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Hey Fellas

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Name's Galileo,

Used to play Asylum all the time a year or so back quit gaming completely but came back as Galileo.

Doubt Any of you would remember the old me but i went by SgtNarwhal (or something of the sort) or if we were closer you'd know me by Nerraw.

Back then i never really put much thought into the forums, thought it was just kinda a waste of time but now that I'm back and wanting to start playing and getting to know more people i thought "Hell, why not".

Anyway I've been back for about a week or so now so a few of you may have seen me and/or talked to me.

About me?: 19 years old currently a part time CNA and full time student at a University working on my 4 year degree for Network administrating. My hobby is money, if i can say that? I love buying and selling things, working in real estate, farming, etc etc. Loved gaming since i was a little kid, first game i ever played was Legend of Zelda on the NES, and to this day that continues to be my favorite game series.

Please feel free to comment and talk to me i'd love to meet a few new people to hang and play with, my old group i played with have moved on and stopped playing arma or just stopped playing games completely. Never hurts to have a helping hand on server like this :) 


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