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so i started playing this server 2 weeks ago putting in over 120 hours of game time and sending monthly donations. i got randomly banned for dupping no warnings no nothing. then the admin (GNASHES) said some wack shit about me killing myself then kicked me from the chat. now all the admins ignore me and wont tell me how to stop my monthly payments. sadly what i thought was a good server ended up robbing me of my physical cash that i work very hard for and insulting me wich is completely uncalled for. now im guessing they will perma ban me for talking the truth. i sat in a room full of other people banned for no reason. thanks for stealing our time and money asylum. wish you guys screened your staff better. that is no way to treat the people who support you guys.

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ive talked to others and ive heard many stories of people being mistreated by admins. a quick google search for asylum or even on steam you will find many people who have went through similar. i just don't think that's how they should go about it. i mean you should always be courteous. honeslty if they would have talked to me normally i would have been cool. but they have no right to treat people like that

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28 minutes ago, MJ-12 said:

@ sean that irish guy. if you read what i say. this has nothing to do with the ban itself it has to do with how i was treated and dealt with. if you approve of someone telling you and others to kill themselves then ok. but i dont stand for that shit

Now I wasn't present for your appeal so I'm just speculating here, but it bears mentioning that any discussion of "killing yourself" over the course of your appeal was almost certainly in reference to your in game character as repeatedly committing suicide (along with a few other things) is one of the most common manners in which people dupe. 

So while I can understand how this may have been misunderstood in that context, I can all but guarantee that it wasn't directed at you personally but instead was in reference to your actions in game.

As for the conduct of our administrative staff, we strive to be fair, professional and polite in our dealings. However we have rules to uphold and enforce, so many people take the enforcement of those rules personally and assume their ban is the product of malice or abuse. The reality is far more banal. We ban people because they've violated the rules. Some people may not appreciate the tenor of their ban appeal, they might resent the way in which they're held to account for their actions or dislike the stern manner in which they are treated. However the nature of those discussions is dictated entirely by your attitude and willingness to cooperate in the process. Our ultimate goal is the enforcement of the rules, we aren't out to punish anyone. So if you go in there and say, "Look, I messed up, I thought this that or the other thing, I'm very sorry. What can I do to make this right?"; things will go much more smoothly than shouting indignantly about abuse and injustice. Or perhaps worse yet, denying your culpability. 

We're far more interested in modifying behavior than we are in punishment. So generally, people who recognize what they've done wrong are treated with some degree of leniency, however that is entirely predicated on our confidence in an individual's ability to follow the rules going forward. 

So hopefully this helps you and others to better understand our position in the appeals process. And hopefully this clears up any confusion about someone treating you poorly or telling you to kill yourself. 

If you wish to appeal your ban, file an appeal on the forums or wait in the "help, I've been banned" channel on teamspeak. 

Le Razoir, rngr, Olivia and 4 others like this
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