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  1. I think i had an epileptic fucking stroke watching this, wtf. Get better clips shitty
  2. hi chase, im ur biggest fan and was like wondering, if like i can like join ur fan club! k thanks!
  3. In-Game Name:Nibroc ;( - Timezone: Mountain - Age:16 - Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot):https://gyazo.com/0c38b623333f9d3c32c9d9c32f200d4a - Previous Gangs: Clarity, Vanity, Void - Why do you want to join Wicked?: Crunched is in it, and he is my dad. I've been looking for a gagn after vanity disbanded and Wicked seems like the best fit for me - Any members who can vouch for you: Crunchedd, and Moonshine
  4. In-Game Name: Nibroc Age: 16 Timezone (NA/EU): Mountain Arma 3 Hours (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/7886a7b993e492d51207de6357e8e946 Bank Balance (screenshot): 150k Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak:yes Current and Past Gangs: Deviant, Supreme team, Clarity What do you have to offer? Anti-star rock pusher Do you have anyone that can vouch for you? Crunched (Applications can be messaged to Leader(s).)
  5. i was, but i woke up. AND now i cant fall asleep sooooooooooooooooooooooo
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