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Market Fluctuation

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Increase the base price of everything affected by the market but also make it so it takes less material on the market for the market fluctuation to come in to effect.

Example (numbers placeholder)

Meth is $3,000 each, cocaine is $2,500 each. Someone sells 100 meth to the market, which makes meth $2,000 each because of the market fluctuation.
Cocaine is now more expensive and more worth it to craft instead of meth.

The positive outcome I would hope for from this is to have the "top money making method" rotate around so that the less popular money making methods are more viable. This could be for just illegal ways or legal as well.

Just a quick idea that popped in to my head. I haven't thought it through thoroughly or anything.

Edited by Samperino
Jonesy, Boby, Mayhem and 6 others like this
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Not gonna write an essay explaining how aids the market system is on Olympus but ask someone that’s down group runs how fun it is making sure everyone sells at once and then having to run another drug because the one you just ran has a saturated market. I’d take the rotating fields over the ultra sensitive market any day.


Something that might be a cool addition would be having a high demand legal and illegal money maker each restart. The profit would be roughly 15% more for each and you would check the market on your phone to see which money maker has high demand. Could lead to some fights at the high demand drug locations.

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