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Everything posted by Maaqs
This would be infinitely better than the current system of throwing money into the void
I'd like to suggest that the money cap + prestige system be removed. It was removed a long time ago and should have stayed extinct. Both gang members and random people in sidechat who have asked how it works have all come to the same conclusion after I explain it to them: "oh, heeelll nah, that ain't worth it." Feel free to implement whatever 'prestige system' is in the works, but just reword/slight rework it so: Level 1 - 20mil in bank (ie: 10mil cash + 10mil prestige today) Level 2 - 30 Mil in bank etc. etc. Allow players the freedom of choice of staying above certain thresholds or not, it feels awful to hit 'deposit' on an ATM knowing your money went into the void of nothingness. Don't give me the "we're scared of people having too much money" thing because it was decided to combine V2/3 databases. Let players who are grinders feel that dopamine hit as they see the numbers in their bank account go up. I grinded to Eminent when prestige was still a thing many years ago. I definitely did not grind/sell tens of millions of dollars (when it wasn't against the rules) I grinded back to Eminent when 3.0 dropped I lost 60% of my total cash when 3.0 re-dropped after the revamp, killing any motivation I have/had to really grind money
I'd be down to see 1 smoke/Ifrit with a potential for a 2nd with the Infamy perk. As much as I hate smokes, there have definitely been times recently where I've wished I had them.
Have Gang Fort / Boat start times been 'adjusted' for DST or are they still at 5pm EST?
first Can't wait to die 100 times today at the bomb range
ETA on: Hirable Gas Station Battle Pass Prestige system (I know it's the Christmas season, so just wondering on an ETA, this isn't a "hurry up" post) Solid things coming, appreciate the communication.
Remove prestige. Give me my money back.
Those people should get a title or something, ya know, for that commitment. I was one of them let me feel special about the time wasted invested
Are you in favor of the new money prestige system?
Maaqs replied to Bag Of Funyuns's topic in Denied
At the first glance, against it to the fullest. I was set to be somewhere around 25-30mil with V2/V3 money combined and I was ready to just not care/worry about anything. I don't really buy sui vests or remote explosives on the regular anymore, but I enjoyed amassing that wealth years ago "for retirement" so I could play without any care or worry today (For the record, I grinded Eminent when there was still prestige). Friend/gang mate needs a loadout? Gang needs an Ifrit? I do need to buy a sui vest to try and save a big bounty? I could buy it without a care in the world due to the late-night meth grinds years ago. But now with the prestige system, unless the rewards are JUICED or I can convert it back into money, it does feel like a small slap in the face. -
We’re Not Finished: Rebuilding Asylum for the Community
Maaqs replied to Mitch's topic in Announcements
I know this just got announced and there's probably a lot to figure out: But what are the plans regarding people whose merged garages exceed the 45 vehicle limit? -
We’re Not Finished: Rebuilding Asylum for the Community
Maaqs replied to Mitch's topic in Announcements
Roughly 15mil at wipe, grinded back to nearly that post-wipe. Time to be livin -
We’re Not Finished: Rebuilding Asylum for the Community
Maaqs replied to Mitch's topic in Announcements
Merge as in money + infamy + BH honor + vehicle/air/boat vehicles? -
In case it hasn't been already addressed Cartel hotzones don't work - No blood money (this is not working at all), and no capture bonus. War Kills - nonexistent for the past week and a half/2 weeks (also no war rating for kills) but war deaths is working I have not seen this myself but apparently Governor tax rate is now 5% - 15%, whereas it was 0-10% before patch. I have not seen/encountered a single 'random event activity' such as the Disabled Vehicle / Rebels Weapons Cache / APD Cache
I'll bite. Why do you think Asylum needs NLR? And seeing as how I don't play Oly, how does NLR work in terms of cartel fighting / fed events?
Didn't we have something like this at one point? We had rotating illegal something and while it was fresh/cool at start, people started complaining "I login to run money and for 3 straight restarts, 'insert-illegal-area' is on the wrong side of the map" Edit: Not saying it's a bad idea, or that I dislike it even, but I do believe this has been tried before. Could work if implemented better than previous attempt(s).
I don't think making every major city a safe zone is going to work, ever. At all. In the slightest. It's an idea to drive more RP sure, but I just don't see this happening since Asylum is very much a light RP/very much a pvp-oriented server. Also, granted this is a first draft, but what happens if I (no weapon, no bounty) get initiated on by someone with a weapon/bounty, and I am able to drive into a city?
I like the idea, here are some of my thoughts/questions 1) How would you control/maintain balance across all 3 factions? And if you weren't, what would stop some 'backroom deals' going down and there being a majority for 1 faction that just dominate the other 2. 2) In regards to the bolded part, what would you have the winning faction control? ie: The faction that owns Kavala controls Weed in some manner, Athira - Coke, Pyrgos - Meth, Sofia - Heroin? Perhaps something like increased processing speed, or a slight increase in sell price? And whatever faction controls the whole government sees these boosts over the whole map and not just their specific drug. Just spit-balling ideas to incentivize newer players/newer gangs/gangless people to want to get involved. 3) May get downvoted/memed to hell for this, but I would love it if player-owned houses were inaccessible during the PvP. Perhaps a player could still access their inventory but are unable to simply lock themselves in their house and fight.
I would sign up without hesitation to become a Tour Guide. And while I have seriously considered making my own gang "Noobies" or whatever in an attempt to specifically help new people, you're also asking a lot (potentially) of someone to basically accept that any illegal/rebel activity they try will likely result in death/losing should there be any sort of 3rd partying (New players vs cops at a bank/fed/prison can already be difficult enough without adding 3rd and 4th parties from other gangs). I do like both ideas, just curious as to how the 2nd point would play out in-game if the training gang is constantly losing / getting ratted.
With little to no communication since wipe, it has gotten stale real fast. We went "back in time" with removing so many things with the wipe, but did not shake up the map/server in a way that would retain players. A few of the changes that came with wipe were nice QoL things but all in all, Asylum is still feels the exact same it did years ago and likely doesn't feel 'fresh' anymore to anyone with a few hundred hours much less thousands on Asylum. Re-adding Shipping/Evidence lockup is/was nice, but I also wonder: Are the plans moving forward to just re-add the things we had pre-wipe? And if so, then there was no real point to wiping. I remember mentioning it months ago when you had the test weekend for wipe and stating in the community get-together, I felt like a reshuffle of the map would have been a good idea, and I still stand by that even now post-wipe. Asylum may have wiped, but nothing has really stood out to me since the first week once I had a little bit of money/houses.
I agree with the van change - 0 armor and it's not really practical outside of the Fed Reserve / Prison break so I don't see how it could get abused or something of that nature. It just allows Constables to essentially be able to help setup faster and not have to wait around for a corp+ to pull a van. As cool as it'd be to spawn in with a free MX + useful scope, I can only imagine the further crying/complaining that would take place from civs. Yeah, Spar feels useless when it's just fed event after fed event after fed event but I don't think spawning with a free MX is the solution. As for Qillins/Prowlers, perhaps (to potentially balance things out) give Constables the ability to buy them but without doors/make that add-on corporal+? Could always test it with/without the ability to purchase doors and see how it affects events/routine patrolling. Hatch's are paper thin and dying 4 times on the way to an event never feels good
Change the rules/enforcement to stop allowing so many trolls to play
Maaqs replied to Veras's topic in Altis Life Discussion
While getting ski'd itself is a timeless classic, I agree with you that the 'new player experience' (even the veteran experience) can be brutal. While this is an RP server/community with rules about mindless RDM/VDM and other things, it's extremely light. Dare I say 95% of the player-base give little to no care about you or your personal gaming experience. If someone can bully you, they will. Box truck full of rocks get robbed/lockpicked? It's getting the shed treatment. Asked a Kavalaian to stop harassing/killing you? Sit in a corner in their locked house with a blindfold on for 10 minutes. Accidentally crashed into someone? "wtf are you doing retard, kys, hands up or die" Don't have a wep and you look at someone who does? You guessed it, you're getting killed or kidnapped. Welcome to Asylum!