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Mitch (IFRIT)

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Everything posted by Mitch (IFRIT)

  1. +1 for first person on tanoa. I like the idea of the increased difficulty for the reward that the server holds. But the community wouldn't support it and we would be back down to 4 servers. Solid idea though!
  2. The last 1827373 times this was brought up, members of the higher end staff said the idea would not be entertained anytime soon. And that if it were to be discussed in the future. Asylum would want complete control over the mods. The server became unplayable because the Mod developer would update at random times. Tanoa is a great break from atlis.
  3. Lol. Not the first time I've heard that. Aaron Roger's is another one I get in public. Last week at a buffet some Lady came up to me and asked if I was him. Only if I got their paychecks
  4. At what point did you realize they were cops, and decided not to follow their legal orders....?
  5. Like the title says, it was the metaphorical first step on the moon... I made it from Georgetown to the coke pit. I feel that a suicide vest would be a great addition to your jump. APD: Please use the G town trolls to alleviate the amount of coke run on the island. Rooks and a team landing in the woods would work out nicely. It's a long video, but I needed to show full proof.
  6. Hey guys, Its been a year since i last streamed. and i have decided to try again. come say hello! https://www.twitch.tv/ifritmitch
  7. Anyone else read this in his voice?
  8. Where is the part that I drive your civ vehicle without permission?
  9. I remember playing that one all the time. I think it was on addicting games? In high-school, buddies and I would just zone out in the computer lab. The good ol days!
  10. Yeah I totally agree. I just thought it was a cool idea. Only if underwater combat was popular.. no quick peaking, no 7.62 one tap, no tower glitches, no suicide vest, no armored vehicles, no carrier lights.
  11. I figured it out on Reddit! Gunbound! Anyone ever play that?
  12. I've never used Reddit, this will be interesting... Thank you!
  13. I've found some dark holes on google trying to figure this out........
  14. Today i had a flashback to many years ago. There was this game that was animated (Cartoon) . In this game you were in some weird vehicle that had a cannon on it. You were able to upgrade to different shells and such. You attempted to shoot and kill the other players. They were on some different platforms. For the life of me, i cannot find anything through google search because i can remember so little. I know this is vague but i am hopeful that someone knows what the hell i am talking about. For what it helps, you had this cartoon player that sort of floated on top of the cannon.
  15. I miss you, come back. We are the hero we need. 

  16. Cops who are on the warrent slot can't even choose, and they only get one. I think this is asking for way too much. BH are a "contract ' company... to be more armed and better utilized would defeat the purpose of the police force.
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