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Everything posted by FudgeR

  1. FudgeR

    Bye Asylum!

    that's why it's a light rp server.
  2. Lmao, show's how mature you are.
  3. Except when u rob people excavating for flawless diamonds and oil
  4. FudgeR


    you still selling?
  5. not coke field:/ RIP my coke shed
  6. Do u guys Think gov taxes should impact rebel? IMO it should be fixed and taken off on outposts and stuff... if like a .50 is idk like 170k, there's a big difference if taxes are at 0% or 20%. Same shit with mk's and such
  7. Why didn't u just turn yourself in to him again?
  8. And what do you expect anyone to do about it?? Stupidest post ever
  9. i wasn't gonna pay more than 750k for it i just wanted u to raise your offer lol
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