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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Sammmy

  1. did you not get banned too you monkey ?
  2. https://gyazo.com/660653eb66b38f7ad412392d059d12d8
  3. good luck bud just don't be as bad as the dogs
  4. Lmao it is different he's global'd because he cheated on dayz you cheated on arma and you chat shit when you get kills it's sad the worse part about it is the ego you cheat kill someone and you feel good about it honestly go outside
  5. this is fucking pitiful lmfao you're play style is also shit like sometimes you dont even have combat stance on smh
  6. i just want to point out at 2:42 every fucking time you tap the only thing stoping him from getting 1 tapped is the tire in the back u hit it every shot ...............
  7. Sammmy

    Ban list

  8. Sammmy

    Ban list

    you are so fucking cringe it hurts just stop playing quit the game
  9. Sammmy

    Ban list

    you are shit don't say who are you or im way better then you because you been cheating and have to cheat to get kills you monkey
  10. Good luck little buddy @Xehons
  11. SHIT lmao this shit so right.
  12. Holy shit this was a funny ass video please post more
  13. Why when i try to copy and paste symbols i get question marks no matter what language it is other then English
  14. https://gyazo.com/9ae5e9c7c1dffd08303d647dcc430de1
  15. Have you changed the pre rendered frames at all ?
  16. You need to turn you're scene complexity up higher in the files of you're Arma 3
  17. That's called sway and spraying at the same time ? @Ⓟⓡⓞⓤⓓ❤ #MyleGod
  18. Wait wasn't this cougar and mclovins gang ?
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