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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Sammmy

  1. i tell you what u give me 26k and ill go back in game let him find me and let him kill me
  2. fuck no they shit lmao i cant fucking copy and paste symbols and they dont know whats wrong they are brain dead gave them a 1 star
  3. Requirements 1000 Hours Cartel knowledge More then 2 brain cells
  4. Application Format In-game name: freaK Age: 17 Hours on Arma 3 (Screenshot required): https://gyazo.com/e15c3b614bd30e7620e4c832665f4b9f Previous gangs: Velocity Why would you like to join Prime: cartels How active will you be? (Ex: 5-6 Days a week): everyday
  5. @Jesse mass unban and get a new box and this server will be fucking popping again 100%
  6. you dont post olympus montages on asylum fourms
  7. -1 the song is not that good too much base and you didn’t get that many clips the montage was not 3 mins long and I wanna see you shoot ppl out of ifrits
  8. I’ll stop changing my name when u loose some pounds bud
  9. Recommendations before applying 1000+ hours bare minimum RECOMMENDED 900. -Mature -Have cartel experience. -BE ACTIVE. -Listen to the leaders. -If Accepted You will receive a private message with our teamspeak with further instructions Application Format -IGN: -AGE: -Previous Gangs on asylum: - Do you have a sufficient knowledge of cartel experience? : -Hours on Arma 3 : -Why do you want to join Extinct:
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=mk18+arma+3&rlz=1C1GYPO_enUS746US746&tbm=isch&source=iu&pf=m&ictx=1&fir=vjOzddy6YV6xoM%3A%2Cl1Yx01EiBfbzUM%2C_&usg=__rrdrE9jiebGZEKnugxux77rMB0A%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2utnn6pTXAhWMJCYKHS7HBYkQ9QEIQTAD#imgrc=vjOzddy6YV6xoM:
  11. In-Game Name: Expert:) TimeZone: -est Age: 17 Arma 3 Hours (Provide Proof): https://gyazo.com/0918dc7a491c1cee00c8e4b1693baf75 Estimated Asylum Time: 1500 Do You Have A Mic And Teamspeak: yes Who Can Vouch For You: no one Current and Past Gangs: none
  12. Dose that look familiar with the 23 accnt that u have ? xD
  13. your banned from everything (Battleye: Global Ban #Of6328)
  14. Bienvenue ici j'appelle tous les gros bouy, mais si vous avez besoin d'un gang, je pense que c gang recrute
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