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Reformed Katheeri

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Everything posted by Reformed Katheeri

  1. ^ @Norwegianviking remember this lmao
  2. http://prntscr.com/gac5fj Are the boys back? or is it just somebody impersonating us? @Norwegianviking @Budbringer
  3. why didn't this happen on squeaker patrol v1
  4. play AR @Erron White and make a montage and just shit on xehons to prove that he is shit in every game he plays in
  5. please don't translate gibberish from your self, use google translate next time
  6. you cant stick to one thing, stfu retard literally keep changing my age that's how retarded you are hahahaha
  7. sure thing buddy so you say i was 12 just now, and now im 11 do you have alzheimer's?
  8. 14* do you want a pic? your like 18+ and still have no facial hair hahaha fuck outta here
  9. @Norwegianviking best cop knows how to roleplay very good always pardoned me never abused me and never shot a bullet at me is very understanding
  10. calm down there don't want to be banned xxxxxxxxxx darling
  11. @Xehons @ColtonB205 @Dr. Walker @BishopActual @Brendon Smith @tryhardsqueaker gotta get that roblox squad bro
  12. can i join then get banned again lol
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