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Posts posted by Narmin

  1. 9 hours ago, Wang Liqin said:

    You drove a hatchback up to rebel at the same time we had people driving hatchbacks so we didn't think anything of it. You waited until everyone was running the opposite direction to the ORCA and one tabbed out before you went into rebel so obviously no one saw you.

    And if you think 200k and an orca is a lot of money I think that just shows how badly you people are doing as a gang. We came back as a gang for one week and made 50 Million. 10 Million of which is inside gang bank used to comp things like that. Im not even sure why im trying to explain myself to you.. if your gang of trashcans think they are even close to my gangs level id love to watch them try fight us at a cartel because if you think FSA cheat then id love to have alec inside your teamspeak when you fight us.


    Armando Muchacho and uc. like this
  2. 24 minutes ago, :(:(:(:(:( said:

    I'm talking about this montage. 

    Oh I see.. 

    but that's beside the point, his kills were random places where's everyone else's is usually at the same cartel doing the same shit everyone else is doing you feel me? You just get bored of it 

  3. 58 minutes ago, Sammy;) said:

    @Tye im pretty sure this is an RPG server and cartels are not really role play they are something to have fun and if sits in kavala and he rps let him there is nothing wrong with that there is two type of rpg ppl cartel ppl like us and rp like them we keep the action alive and they keep the rp in the server so it dose not die @Narmin

    BUT I DONT even go into kavala I've only been there like twice and that was when I first joined the game and I was a bounty hunter with a pistol. I can't handle the 30 fps and the cancer that goes with kavala. I don't know what this guy is talking about.

  4. 9 hours ago, Tye said:

    hm I wonder why you are saying this is because you never got into a cartel fighting gang because you're fucking awful at the game and you just sit in kavala and rp or suck some carrer cops dick try bleach bud.

    lol actually I do cartels a lot but I'm not a cartel rat. Getting on the server straight up heading towards cartel to make "cool montages"

    go ahead and look at everyone's cartel montage everything is the fucking same shit. If they played me 3 cartel montages I would probably think it's just 1 video on replay mode.

    dont even @ me 

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