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Everything posted by JonSnow

  1. Yes. Essentially what it does is makes sure all of your game files are current. And if any are missing they will be downloaded automatically based off of your download settings.
  2. Not saying this will fix it but it is worth a shot. Make sure you do not have any mods running. Go into steam library/games, right click on ARMA 3 drop down menu will appear, select properties. Go to local files then hit verify integrity of game cache...like I said it may or may not work. EDIT: Guy above me read my mind 30 seconds beforehand
  3. I had this thought a while back and it has to do with the custom keybinds. I know that the Police can have keybinds set for their sirens etc. Is it possible to have this be expanded to the Medics? I like to play on Medic from time to time and always hated how long it takes to shut off the sirens. When you see the APD rolling around giving a little clip to their sirens. Just food for thought.
  4. Another great game to get new players involved in is the Asylum Roulette game. Get the APD in on it so pardons can happen and they can help supervise the event. So this is what you do gather up 2 new players blindfold and ziptie them up and bring them into a house (preferably a large one) block the exits so no one can leave. Explain that you have placed a weapon in the house and they must kill the other player to survive and win x amount of money (we all know new players are poor and struggle to do anything). You and the other people watching will unblindfold them and unziptie at the same time to make it fair. Enjoy the RP.
  5. Something I like to do is for Trials - Before going to a trial for someone I like to inform the convicts that they will be singing a song to persuade me into saying they are not guilty. Everyone always hears the sob story of I was trying to help my friend and the cops showed up so I killed the crooked cops etc. But I like to be serenaded.
  6. I can see why people are having issues, such as myself. I had already knew about this and only post the link on the final output even though the picture shows in the signature settings.
  7. Hey just giving the man the ultimate solution. I only got the 750ti.
  8. Merry Christmas from Antarctica.
  9. I got a Logitech keyboard and the old school Microsoft mouse and I hope my clicking keyboard annoys you.
  10. Manolo I feel like you hang out in kavala a lot...
  11. http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/forum/asylum-altis-life/altis-life-discussion/off-topic/559-the-music-thread
  12. Paratus..Or one of these Dogs named after Harry Potter characters: Harry Potter Weasley Hermione Lupin Minerva Sirius Malfoy Neville Longbottom Luna Lovegood Gryffindor Bellatrix Cedric Cornelius Fudge Tonks Comfort foods: Ginger Noodle Queso Cacao Raisin Macaroni Latka Tater Tot Espresso Vienna Sausage Won Ton Sci-fi/fantasy: Tyrion Blade Yeti Chewbacca Riddick Princess Leia Bruce Wayne Harley Quinn Kal-El Krypto Pepper Potts Wonder Woman Celebrity shout-outs: Scout and Rumor Tony Romo Ernest Hemingway Willie Nelson Biggie Smalls Johnny Cash Bono Maynard Clooney Banksy Beyonce CoCo Chanel Biggie Smalls Picasso Condoleezza Eddie Veder Conan O’Brien Farrah Fawcett Honey Boo Boo Joni Mitchell Springsteen Cannibus canines: Sativa Mary Jane Chronic Herb Doobie Hash Dog wordplay: Jimmy Chew Beau Dacious Koby Teeth Reeses Puppycups Muttley Crue Salvador Dogi
  13. Props to Snatch and Googie for dealing with my donor level issue quickly and professionally. And to all the admins for building the community back up from logs.
  14. JonSnow

    TV shows

    Watch Limitless that is pretty good so far.
  15. I am not dead. I do know something. My name is Snow...Jon Snow. I am 24? I like gaming, beer, Ohio state football. Ummm I have been on asylum for some time may not be the best player but nowadays it is an A for effort. I mostly play on server 1 now, started out on asylum with my homies CatFoods and Bama (the cop..he plays more than me) they took me into a shack one time and well I prefer never to talk about it...So I hope to see you guys out there in the Prison Yard during yard time. Feel free to continue to run up to me on the streets and tell me I know nothing because I have never heard it before.
  16. JonSnow


    This is stupid.
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