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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Medi

  1. Nah mate. We can keep downing the one person who is bothering to peak but his friend just stays in the corner and lethals any cop who runs up. So tell me how that's suppose to be fun for the cops who are forced to at least respond once? Rebels have the advantage of being able to set up for prison, banks, and feds where lethals are used the most so don't put yourself in a position where you're otherwise in accessible or give yourself an advantage that can only be leveled by using lethals. Even then, the past 7/10 rebels I have processed as a result of banks/prison/fed or anything like that have been super salty that they got caught and immediately demanded tickets anyway while verbally harassing the officers. So, it sounds like there are at least a fair number of rebels who would also not want to go through the "corrupt robo cop rp" for when they get caught doing something bad and we don't give them a $1 ticket.
  2. People are always like that when new stuff comes around.
  3. Medi

    Change log 8.1.6

    APD Prowlers now have lights?! This is clearly APD bias by the devs. Plz nerf.
  4. Senseless in that they prove your point wrong but I'll humor you and point out something else. Quantity doesn't equal quality. Quit complaining.
  5. Indefinite pronouns don't explain your position. So the prowlers that only CPL and higher can pull that have no real advantages and require us to be sirening you for 5 whole seconds before we can even make use of the one benefit of that vehicle? Mind you that it is slower than most commonly used vehicles such as Hatchbacks and SUVs. Undercover LTs applies to such a small margin that it's not even applicable. Despite the fact that this benefits one of the smallest populations within the APD they are undercover and thus weaponry isn't even their greatest strength. Then again, we haven't even seen confirmed notes on what that weaponry is little less what they actually do or benefit. Construction isn't much better given that proper placement by the rebels, who have all the time in the world prior to starting the bank to set up, can negate it rather easily. Additionally, unreachables who are downed tend to, as we have seen with 99% of the banks, have a buddy who covers them and prevents them from being restrained. This brings up the point that rebels get to choose most of their major conflicts and decide how they want to fight it. The APD has to react to a lot of given scenarios. I am not going to say that we aren't the aggressors sometimes but there's a lot more room for Rebels do to so than the APD. As far as "Buffs" to the APD we haven't really gotten anything meaningful or game breaking. Some of our recent fixes were literally allowing us to enter as Gunners without having to unlock the vehicle, giving one of the smallest populations of the APD more weaponry to blend in with the other rebels who are wielding 7.62s, and raising the price of hummingbirds. How is that a buff?
  6. More armed vehicles and ability to move your gang houses. There's two. When you break it down there are pros and cons to both sides but it's not really that black and white. For as much as people think that the APD is getting "Buffed" 1. We aren't benefited by you being on Death Row, that's a civilian Governor being benefited so kinda ironic for rebels to complain about that. 2. The APD has the ability to keep coming back in various scenarios and they have a free, semi-okay loadout. 3. The APD has a LOT of rules to follow where rebels really just have to keep in line with the Server Rules. 4. Like someone said earlier: the APD isn't a gang where people are selected because everyone else wants that person around. There is a lot of bad chemistry at play that is loosely held together by regulations. 5. The APD updates have been: Higher price for Hummingbirds, Ability to get in a Gunner Seat as Cop... Tell me how we're getting ultra buffed again? We can't even put people in jail without being accused of being a robo-cop but the moment you fail to say something that's apart of the "script" then rebels are out for blood and reporting that officer to IA in hopes of getting them in trouble / removed.
  7. I dont mind going over some basic and advanced flying. Stuff like the "Castle Defense" manuver are kinda useless on asylum but I can teach you them regardless. Other than that, I use rudder pedals w/ mouse and keyboard. Message me if you want.
  8. Medi

    Change log 8.1.4

    It was gone to begin with?
  9. Medi

    Change log 8.1.4

    Stop breaking the law then?
  10. I wish we'd use this instead of the one that's south of Highway Patrol on the MSR. It's annoying to have to completely get off the MSR to remain legal when this would be an amazing alternative.
  11. Like I said, this is a suggestion in favor for everyone.
  12. Or implement this system which makes both of those extra steps unnecessary? And honestly, it's rarely ever happened to me but I don't think this system would necessarily hurt. I just feel like it would lead to more accountability on everyone's part. Besides, you can't just go back and see if they were in a group unless they specifically told you and even then; you're taking their word on it. Unless it showed up in the dispatches / texts as well it wouldn't even effect that. If it did, well would it be so hard to do literally anything other than stand next to the guy you're about to shoot? Like, hide literally anywhere?
  13. As a means of assisting for both law and rules sake: add an identifier to persons within a group. This can be represented as another tag under their name such as "GROUP 1" or as a number preceding their name (since most games will a digit after certain people's name if there is multiple instances of it.) This way, we can at least say that if someone is in a group with someone else and engages another person, that they did so legitimately and weren't shooting at someone without actual cause.
  14. Medi

    Change log 8.1.3

    What's up with the server 1 lag? It's been bad since the update.
  15. Does that mean if you make 3 SUV skins that they will be nerfed? These are the real questions.
  16. Or, when we get kidnapped we bring up the flashbangs and get our guys out the fun way?
  17. Really this is just because Farmville stands out a as a group of people who kidnap cops very frequently and a fair number of their people simply go: "Drop your stuff or die." Then continually initiate with you to keep you there as long as possible. Unless there is a LT online there is Nothing to be done about and the guidebook gives officers a means of otherwise dealing with this situation if the house isn't god-modded.
  18. Simple as the name implies. Currently, Farmville knows that if there isn't an LT online they are safe to kidnap as many cops as they can and hold them for prolonged amounts of time. As a way to allow officers to use flashbangs to gain legal access to the building to rescue them: ungod mod it and god-mod 2 different buildings within Kavala but please don't announce which ones. This is just a means of allowing the APD to do their job + giving Farmville an adequate challenge to their current tactics.
  19. When this goes on for four + hours straight; not sure I agree it's as innocent as it seems.
  20. Didn't see that this was posted but the issue I am having is that even with "A certain amount of officers having to be online", we are seeing that we are not only vastly outnumbered but they are doing them back to back to the point that nothing else can really get done. I posted within the APD section two other solutions: 1. Add a specific charge for people going to a Bank/Fed/Prison one after another within a specific amount of time that is not pardonable (outside of the helicopter/vehicle stuff)/ cannot be reduced. 2. Just increase the time it takes to start something new after the last item has finished. So if they want to start a Fed and a Prison at the same time, go ahead. But when the Fed finishes, have a cooldown on Bank as well. Right now, it's just absurd how frequent this is.
  21. http://my.gaming-asylum.com/
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