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Everything posted by finn_

  1. Hats off to him +1 for an Asylum reward
  2. @Kettles Yeah, I get you there. It should be treated like RDM, if I'm honest. Give at least a few seconds to respond. The guidebook really isn't clear on these topics. The guidebook has been put together in a rushed way; tons of rules that contradict each other.
  3. @Xander Zelman Officers are trained to (usually) state their intentions before applying restraints.
  4. In-Game Name: Finn Age: 18 How many hours do you have on arma 3: 642 hours Bank Balance(150k minimum): 845k Have you ever been banned? No. Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak(or discord)? Yes. Current and Past Gangs? Serving APD Officer; Blackhawk International (closed) If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? N/A What can you help our gang with? Bounty hunting; banks/feds; strategic training; have some flight experience
  5. With three FULL boxes of ephedra as you say, I'd make an offer of 215k.
  6. Happy with medics to carry on waving their wooden sticks at civi's tbh.
  7. It would be nice for mass kicks to be recorded in some sort of way. Some admins will compensate you when you give the date of the mass kicks; some admins will not compensate you. Do we need evidence or not? I don't fancy uploading/editing videos (without getting decent software) for a comp. on a drug run, for example. Think the admins need to also be more helpful on compensation requests for this kind of thing. I'd spend quite a bit of time uploading evidence for comp. requests, and it's often taken by saying 'I cannot tell if you would've landed that plane or not, so I will compensate you the 15k you lost for the plane crashing'. Drug runs take about 10ish minutes, as does gathering evidence, filling out RDM reports, etc.
  8. Think everyone here appreciates admins work, and what they do. However, from what I've heard, player reports, compensation requests and so on are backed up as hell at the moment. I think the workload that the admins take on needs to be assessed, or we hire a few more admins. People who fill out these player reports are doing it as a courtesy to the Asylum community, and I think that it is right that they be read fairly briefly.
  9. On the topic of this thread, I think it's difficult to judge to what extent admins put their arse into gear - personally, I find many admins such as the likes of Will putting a decent amount of effort in. On the other hand, it may be fair to judge that some admins aren't doing their 'fair bit' - my comp. requests, etc. come in fairly quickly anyway. keep up the work admins :))
  10. Not sure why admins should have to put resources into potty training trolls. Happy with the system we have at the moment, though permanent bans shouldn't be handed out too often.
  11. Personally, I feel the Captain's should declare the idea that suicide vests are illegal weapons - whereby you would be justified in using rounds if a civilian [openly] carries illegal weapons. I see suicide vests as much worse of a weapon than illegal firearms, and I think ya'll can agree with me there.
  12. We'd turn into that cringeworthy GrandTheftArma community, whereby you'd be sanctioned for carrying a gun in a city. eugh.
  13. Either random people have managed to get admin (again), or some admin really doesn't care. Either way, it needs addressing. lmao
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