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    Meeting new people, fresh banter, and good roleplay.

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  1. I see what you're saying, but it seems you're responding to what I said without even having read it. I recommend you read other people's writings a few times before responding as to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. I never said anything about giving out free bases, or bases through donations. Something I did forget to say in what I wrote is that I'd put a limit to the amount of bases on each server, something around 10 maximum.
  2. I think you're talking about adding gang bases in general not just my idea, but I respect your opinion. I 100% agree.
  3. I'd say more rules protecting medics and more rules making sure medics don't do dumb shit, but judging by the state of this community's population that's probably not gonna stop anyone lmao
  4. I'd make it how it is in many other communities; where gangs can ask for a base, but depending on what they have it may be added. A gang can design a base and ask for it to be put in a certain area (one cleared by an admin of course). An admin would then look over the gang, and decide by looking at (for example): member count, overall reputation, etc, etc. There would be an initial fee of however much (Eg. 300k or something) if it was to be added, but that would be the end of it when it comes to payments. The cost would be higher if the base that is designed includes a helipad, garage, private shop, etc. If that base is not used much or the gang disbands, then that base can be removed or put up as a choice for other gangs if they would like to buy it or design their own. And so on would the system go. I'd even make an application and those accepted can ask for a base, making it possible for the smaller less-known gangs to have a chance.
  5. First off, what do you mean; second, did you even read the steam guide?
  6. Guide: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238500719 11/10 would meme again.
  7. First off, I've went down to DP 21 and bought a 70k on my own; secondly, I'd say that's overpriced!!
  8. @Mr12InchOnSlack S'all good, I found and bought a 70k in DP 21; thanks for the interest anyways!!
  9. Oi, Caden, I went down to DP 21 and bought a 70k house. Honestly way better, It'll be 100k total with 2 storage crates; I'd say max pricing 150k minimum 110k but those only apply if the house has 2 crates. "There aren't any DP 21 houses available", First one I come across is an open 70k. XD
  10. What's the minimum offer on the Fed/DP13 | Industrial Shed on Server 4? @Axe
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