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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Kowalski

  1. Aesthetics are important in an RP server. +1
  2. Not sure how spread out turfs are on Altis...but on Stratis they'd be OP as hell if meds and high-caliber weapons/ammo were sold there. Also what would be the point of rebel if turfs become just that?
  3. Being friendly to someone in an illegal area guarantee's that they're 90% less likely to randomly wreck you next time you're vulnerable. Also, the more friends you make, the more people will stick up for you when you run into an asshole.
  4. Ehhh virtual inventory is sketchy. I lost an offroad-load of coke in it once....but it saves gear just fine.
  5. I think you need to have one of those fancy icons (APD, Admin, Smirnoff's Troll Group) under your member title to get the ability. Question to the admins is why...?
  6. You Altis players make too much money jeez
  7. Quit finding excuses for your addiction m8
  8. The whole point of having money is to buy cool stuff. There's nothing you can buy with more than 900k. If you really want to stockpile your money, invest in vehicles. You can always sell em back, and though they lose value, you can get out of money-making for a very long time regardless.
  9. Lynx, DMS, and ability to ping them from 1k+ so you can text "handsup"
  10. Remember their names, find them in-game and do whatever it takes to encourage them to leave the server for good.
  11. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I feel your pain. However, if I were to explain what I do to these types of people, I'd probably get in trouble myself....report them as you please, or deal with them at your own risk.
  12. Went to a family+friends party, ate a huge dinner before getting waste. Went to sleep at around 1:30 and woke up 10 feeling refreshed thanks to drinking on a full stomach. Best new year in a while.
  13. It's a dangerous job, but I think being allowed to silently restrain is a bit much.
  14. Depends on situation. For fair in-game reasons, such as drug busts, bank robberies, prison breaks, there should be a re-spawn limit....HOWEVER, one should keep in mind: - If a gang takes over a populated area, the cops are usually the only people who are willing to, and have the duty to, get them the hell out of there. Especially if the gang causes trouble (runs around killing randoms) - If the cops are severely out-numbered, (more than double rebel-cop ratio in a situation) then I'd say they should be able to re-spawn more. High numbers shouldn't guarantee an easy trip. - Might be some other gray areas, but it's been too long since I played cop to understand what other situations may warrant more re-spawns.
  15. This is now a political flame-war thread.
  16. Oshkosh does promise 30 miles at 30mph if two tires are disabled...but this is just ridiculous!
  17. Anyone who seriously and legitimately answers this question.
  18. Be smart. Don't rely on rules to save you, it's Kavala. Either give yourself an advantage over the group or wait to get him alone...and when you do, nab his ass and run like hell.
  19. Statistically: MK-1 for it's better range, impact. Also it's easier to conceal due to the colors available. Personally: MK-18 because of in-game nostalgia, also it's based on the US Navy's Mk14 EBR, which I personally prefer over the SIG716 DMR that the MK-1's roughly based on.
  20. Simple. If you got proof of muting someone for spamming side/group, and then you have proof of them killing you later, RP or not, they get banned, since: spam -> mute - > no chat -> no verbal RP - > RDM -> ban this is kinda kappa but at the same time it'd serve them fucking right
  21. Problem: 1. I get on Asylum lobby, notice randoms slaughtering each-other in logs, decide to play medic 2. Try to play medic, forgetting about 5k bounty from the night before...can't play medic cause I'm wanted RIP 3. Go back to lobby and try to log in as civ to deal with bounty...can't play civ because I recently played as medic 4. WTF!!! Solution: Honestly I'm not 100% sure because I don't know how to develop Arma servers...but if possible, change it so it only counts as "played medic" if the person actually spawned at medic base...there's not much exploiting to be done without spawning...right?
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