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Everything posted by Allstarplaya

  1. I don't think you could suck nickis dick more then you already where but after watching you analysis of there competitive games, those knee pads must be worn-in to the bone.
  2. Later.... You are heading to a better place away from asylum...........
  3. Eu Trash they will have like 300 ping on west coast
  4. Currently 3500+ support player looking for another dual-que partner hit me up if you are high rated and wanna que together.
  5. not in the gang roster is currently a swift meme
  6. I thought it was the skittles factory..............
  7. don't play league, play a real mans game (HOTS)
  8. I never got parker unbanned, and the only time i talk to Bamf is when the quality of Tanoa servers are in question and what to do to make it more fun for both sides. (cop & civ)
  9. @bamf, @Gnashes, @Paratus, @speed Needs a fed reserve, a better bank. Cops need prowlers/4WD and Swat needs to work on the island. Heroin Needs to move locations. Also need to move the locations of Wong's Cartels two caps. Furthormore needs a bridge that connects Linjihaven to Katkoula the one Jbdragon built should be sufficient. Finally need to move the location of Nandai turf to the location we discussed. (Also give cops the ability to pull out hunter/striders on the island as well as bounty hunters) Leave Ifirits off the servers for now till we see if these changes brings life back to the server. P.S- new round of loot crates needs to include as the rare drops. Either the Taru/Huron for Civs and Prowler 50cal. Finally don't forget about the cops give them the new 6.5 unclock from the crates but don't make it as rare as the pilot coveralls. (This is to generate money for server maintenance as well as to cover the cost of monthly access to Splunk) EDIT 1: Tanao also could use RHIB boats for cops and 50 cal boats for rebels just disable the HMG on the boat could be really fun water fights as well as possible use at some cartel locations as a way for attackers to clear out hard to reach defenders dug in. EDIT 2: Atm needed at vehicle factory and firearm factory on Tanao. Also move the location of Black Market to be able to get trucks with supplies to craft guns to the location without the use of boats or helicopters.
  10. Bamf can we get some love for server 5 before it goes the way of Aussie
  11. Now that the AK-12 is back to a reasonable price i think we need to look into removing combat seizing again.
  12. Any changes to Tanoa in that file???? KAPPA
  13. pretty much the only good fight you get now-a-days with cartels being dead
  14. @Chris i didn't know you foreshadow what happens when a cake is put in front of you
  15. Yes because fighting the same 2 caps for 2 years in a row doesn't get brain dead boring........... Haych - Hes is at star rocks Chris - I got him 2 months later..... Haych - He is at castle circle Chris - I got him 6 months later ..... Haych - There on window rocks Chris - Lets ifirit smoke drop on them
  16. Considering you complain about not being able to fight on any cap without the use of Ifirits and Chris Kyleing. Next time you come to server 5 and get wiped and complain about the lag we all know why it is.
  17. You guys take asylum to seriously for a game with no competitive ranking system. I think you all need to go play hello kitty island adventure with sijanic who can tell you how to rank up fast in that game.
  18. sry that you have downs and will forever be a server 5 g-town pistol banger
  19. sry you are not intelligent enough to see that i quoted it from a removed post
  20. no one fights. With the recent server stability, kids going back to school, and release of other major titles asylum has taken a back seat to many of it players. Just give it a few weeks and maybe the devs will put out some highly anticipated new patches.......... Only plp that are currently playing asylum hard-core are the people looking to get promoted or have put in a moderator application.......
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