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Everything posted by Gh0st

  1. americans helped my country a lot when we were hit by typhoon haiyan. I would do what i can to be able to donate and help mr john. Good thing he and his family are safe.
  2. In-Game Name: Ghost Age: 19 Arma 3 Hours: 552 Bank Balance: 1.7 mil Have you ever been banned? nope Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak and Discord? yes i have a mic, discord Current and Past Gangs? Invictus, Tenacious, Vanguard Why do you want to join our gang? I want to improve my bounty hunting skills for playing with experieced bounty hunters like yourselves Do you know any members of our gang? none
  3. when that stunt doesnt kill you but a little bush does haha
  4. Application In-game name: Ghost Age:19 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198163289026/screenshots/?appid=107410 Location/Timezone: PST Past/Current Gangs: Invictus, Buttercream gang, Vanguard Bank Balance: 1.3m Do you have a working mic? yes Why do you want to join Thantos ? cuz the former gang disbanded What can you bring to Thantos ? Good with Shooting, Capping cartels, Spend a lot of time On the server, I can make money fast, (and handsome) Are there any current members who can vouch for you? skimancole, kodak
  5. Arma 3 hours (screenshot):http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=928143318 Location/Timezone: PST Past/Current Gangs: Vanguard, Buttercream Gang Bank Balance (we won't judge you just a general statement): 1m Do you have a working mic? yes Why do you want to join Invictus? The first guy on the server who offered shelter and help is on this gang, and I want to be with a gang that'll I can form a bond with so together we can be strong and be able to take on every gang there is.. What can you bring to Invictus? Good with Shooting, Capping cartels, Spend a lot of time On the server, I can make money fast Are there any current members who can vouch for you? sadly none
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