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Everything posted by SnowFlake

  1. Actually, just like marijuana licenses in real life, its good to plan ahead. If it comes out and they decide to implement the new map, it will take a while to make it really good. If they are already thinking about possible locations of certain things, they will be ahead of the curve.
  2. What if you can repair the destroyed tank at southern rebel, or the helicopter at North Rebel, for a limited time.
  3. If you disable all of the bombs and just keep the turret, require all 4 cartels to be capped and other materials, this might help promote gang life. +itd be awesome to see jets fighting and blowing up while you're doing your own thang. eseentially, dog fights would be the ultimate endgame
  4. I'm actually suggesting jets vs jets. Not jet vs civilians
  5. I know what you're thinking "people would mass RDM kavala" If a jet costed 100k-200k and required Arms to craft, I don't think a dedicated player would risk getting banned or his jet taken away and go break rules. If it was an accidental shot and if you're a rookie pilot, then stay away from cities. Crafting Materials Meth / Diamonds / Cocaine / Oil / Rubber , ect.. 100kish with Panagia maybe 75k, depends which jet. I feel this will increase arms cartel and panagia / meth / and so forth...
  6. The only good fix, is to separate Cop money From Civ money. So cops wont robo cop for rebel items/houses.
  7. 1. You're right. I was going to edit my post but I thought my reply would be over looked and eventually berried. 2. No, my RP story wasn't "I want parole cuz I am low on cash". Things I said throughout the story made it clear I was looking to get parole because I was low on money. 3. They didn't ask anything. 4. It's the fact he had nothing to say. At all. I put in effort for a story to get some entertainment with RP and was completely shit on. Their was a corporal right there and he was egging on the cadet to get me angry, "we know what you want, so you're not getting it" kind of attitude. 7. If people don't want to 'role-play' then increase Drug Dealer / Wong Trade radius so people stop complaining 20m from the center is rdm. I know all about RP. Majority of the cop force has a bunch of dull witted personalities. Main reason why I don't want to be a cop. I could go to cops that I know who will gladly give me parole so I can be on my way. I know cops that has enjoyable conversations while others are just jacking their dick trying to get that paycheck. Most of the time I'm in an HQ, there will be 6 cops running around for 10min before they get to the guy who turned himself in, just to waste his time, it would seem. "sorry sir we were busy" aka lazy. If your Courthouse system gave people half tickets for turning themselves in, I guarantee you the cops would cry because rebels don't want to go to them because it takes too long. Idk If I should start laughing hysterically or start crying when I see the things I see.. When you get a 20k pardon, make the cop give you back your 7.62, restrain the constable + SGT come talk to me about 'coming up' with a badass story. The cops that do these things, are the ones that make asylum fun. There are not many left.
  8. The other day I turn myself in for parole. The corporal did a poor job of explaining anything to the cadet other than "he turned himself in so he can get a half ticket" I give a trusting story of my charges. I am low on cash and do not have a lot of money for my 40k ticket/ 20k for turning myself in. He doesn't give any RP back other than "ok sir I can give you a half ticket" basically boasting their faces in my face just because they know I am poor and wanted to make more money before I had to log off. (not wanting to go to jail for 45min) I end up paying a 20k ticket, leaving with a terrible attitude towards the cops. A problem with Asylum is its cop force. The majority of higher ups give horrible examples to their lower ranks (constables/cadets) and just want to get as much money as possible, ruining the core of the game. Keep it up and your new identity game will be essentially the same. Its the community that keeps a game going, not always just the mechanics.
  9. You edit my quote and try and make me look bad? Ok man, you need to calm down. Im sorry I killed you at your beloved wall but you need to let it go..
  10. This will be my last reply. My friends were great at RP. I was told they would still receive full tickets. My friends would not 'log out of combat scenarios' to save their gear. They had enough money to not risk bans. My friends would not just run around and RDM people for kicks but 'grey areas' as you call them would be the complicating reason of them getting banned. Don't be so quick in what you say, because I have friends on the inside and they tell me a lot. I have known people within the asylum community for years. People with thousands and thousands of hours. Do I get to play with them? Nope. Do I get to make an active gang with my friends? Nope. Why? Because they would play 10 hours a day, every day and would not break rules for MONTHS. Then they mess with the wrong dude and a bullshit video goes up that effects NO ONE and his years of work, houses, friendships, escaping from his irl troubles, all shatters due to one little shit head, who probably won't stick around, gets the upper hand. When in reality, you banned a God and kept the ant. If you reply again, make it count. Insult me and get all your admin buddies to like your post and hate mine. I won't be replying back. Have a nice day.
  11. Then why do I have friends that wait 4-8 months and still get denied for 'since you did it so many times, ect' you will not be unbanned? I am mostly a solo player because when I finally got a job promotion, giving me more time to play video games, was left alone due to my long term friends being banned, essentially no chance of ever coming back. Real quality players too.
  12. Ive heard it all before. Fact of the matter is there is a higher intelligence about the matter in which the asylum staff team has yet to reach. This will be my last reply on this thread, mostly because I spoke the truth and am now hated amoungst the asylum staff.
  13. This x1000 Unban people for CL + RDM and you'll get your gang life back. Majority of perm bans for CL/RDM are laughable.
  14. I was going to make a thread about a relocated prison, not trying to hijack yours. Cool idea but what if the prison was relocated to Alcatraz? the island asylum never used http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=932175086 It'd make 'smuggling' more realistic because you'd have to take a boat, thus increasing aquatic combat. Give cops .50 cals on boats and they can hunt you down =p
  15. pretty sure i killed 3 vitrous guys and got 100kdurdy money + chopped their heli #dontfuckwithvitrous? ahahahahahhha shitbags go back to kavala
  16. Asylum isn't dying because of the mechanics. Its much more than that. If the truth were to be spoken, you'd be on the path of getting banned so it's best to not talk about. It's actually so extreme, that if the discussion were to be brought up, chaos would be enraged amoungst the Gods and his angels. That would never happen, of course, for the topic would be closed to stop further flaming.
  17. Hey! Can we add surfing? Maybe some waves in the oceans near beaches?
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