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  1. Hello . Some of you, a very few, may know a player on mostly server 1 as RapidKillz. I mainly roached cartels while I studied / watched porn / grinded os rs stats. I was also known for being the Leader of La Familia. I was perm banned a few months ago for combat logging. I regret my actions but I also feel like it was healthy to be forced to stop my addiction from asylum @Subaru thank you In the future I 'hope' I will be allowed to come back and play but currently I don't deserve to play such a great server. I have been working a lot and pursing my interests in the culinary arts field. I like to cook anything and everything but mostly Italian and Polish foods. I will be moving into my new apartment soon and will have a lot on my plate. I won't have much time for my computer but I'll try to hop around the forums to check out how the community is. Fare Well everyone and have a wonderful life.
  2. wanna fix asylum? dont put people in charge who take bribes. dont perm ban people unless hacking//scripting month ban intervals that will heal asylum
  3. maybe if you have a 50k+ bounty you can be 'dangerouly smart' and kno how to break free from zipties. I mean, your handsa re ziptied doesnt mean you cant sit down and crawl on ur ass and find a sharp rock am I rite? ahahahahah cmon
  4. Or you can earn your way through the system and once trusted you can take items from a crate. Its not a bad idea, you're all just stupid.
  5. A rank 2 shouldn't be able to kick a rank 1. If so, you should put a pop up message' are you sure you want to kick a leader/founder' Allow demotions, or start a rank at 4 rather than current 3, so a promote to rank 3, from 4, can take items from gang house crates.
  6. Sorta like gang houses How many times do you want to pick up rubber from oil cartel and there is 10 minutes left for restart, or 5min whatever and you do not have enough time to drive to your house but you are playing with gang mates that have a house right next to it? So many scenarios I cannot list them all. I feel that a great addition to this server would be to add a house than can be owned by more than 1 person, like a gang house, able to be used by all gang members. To create such a house would increase activity beyond belief. I hope you think about this and the great outcomes it may bring.
  7. you're telling me jack bauer or james bond would not be able to hop out of a car with their hands in restraints?\ its the fact this is how arma is made so you should just roll with it
  8. Due to the poor coding skills, people are banned with 'hop out of vehicle' In these type of servers you cannot just expect people to be honest to the server rules. Hoping out of a car is a role play tactic that this server does not confine. But, when an admin or a high ranking APD officer does it. (i say this because a captain did it to me so he got rescued" it goes unnoticed but a random person will get banned. If our devs could fix this, and while in restraints you are simply not able to hop out or switch seats, a lot of people would get unbanned.
  9. where people must Role Play and has a NLR. Cop loadouts are expensive to increase role play and for them to drop gear. 21 years or older to play Basically an advanced version of current asylum servers
  10. Most people donated $50 for sports hatchback and now its free. What did they get in return? A couple of shitty ass skins no1 likes. Give them the fucking god dam black orca for crying out loud. I can't wait for the day asylum is dead and you guys come up with a master plan to bring it back and are like "OH LETS GIVE OUT THESE SKINS THAT SNOWFLAKE MENTIONED YEARS AGO"
  11. no i dont keep up to date with new versions. what is 8.0?
  12. Literally just trying to help increase World Activity/World PvP Gang life is essentially dead. Server 4 hardly hits 70 players, maybe on weekends. Asylum is still very active, but compared to what it can be? Lets be real. There are so many things you can do and in-game Loot Crate Keys / APB upgrade are just two of them. You can add cartel titles / rewards and Gang Achievements to promote Banks/Fed/Prisons You can add a NLR for more scenarios which would allow civs to see things through. You can turn server 4 into a whitelisted server and change a few things that differentiates it from 1 2 3 and make it more RP based and treat people like people rather than money hungry mofos You can change VDM rule to if you're being shot at you can use your car to safe your life. You can make it 'a naked person is allowed to combat log because why are you being a punk robbing naked people' So many things you can do but it feels like you guys think asylums current state is fine...
  13. I mean, in dayz you can craft ghilli suits. So why not..
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