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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Rami

  1. God Dam! Funny you say that O heard from sources his entire room is a mouse mat with a picture of Woodenshoes, King, Fearless, Perry, Nickis, Corrado and others pictures stuck to it.
  2. See always the same people abuse the fuck out of people they want comp from, Almost like it's meant to make me feel even more sorry for you...
  3. I wanna know how big his mouse mat is
  4. I know lets bring it to the forums and go back and forth about how it is or is not his fault. Yeah great idea. Maybe it was a honest accident in that case why don't they just fill in a comp request. Because If I were pentax I wouldn't personally comp you because I can tell by how they are on the forums that they we're going ham in game with abuse. Maybe if he deliberately slammed into their orca then fine but jeez
  5. Can tell Asylum has changed people make such a big deal about things nowdays
  6. Sants the Legend. Has a higher Legendary status than woodenshoes
  7. I thought VDM was if someone died
  8. Out of all the admins you tag them 3.
  9. The guy in the first frame is in a ghillie, The guy you snap to isn't GGWP But it's ok boys he knew he was coming out at that specific time out of skill. https://gyazo.com/4ffaa7a797cdb6fefc95a38b61600625
  10. Oh my this is one old video Brotherhood days this Back when it wasn't against the rules LOL
  11. Every one step back we have a God in midst
  12. Gl with this Xrantz!! Is this like all the gangs merged to one?
  13. Or shoot it and run and let every one else die apart from yourself!!!!!!
  14. Please.... I am not you Nor him do not be silly
  15. World Class Tactic! Ps. Learn not to shoot at hellcats above you.
  16. Back when FSA Hated Destro #PerryIsLove Still funny to this day @BaDaBiNg_10-8
  17. There is a Blacklist island now What is this picture like it has any meaning.....
  18. Heard you got banned for a while!?!?
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